Blizz made it harder to get the horseman mount

this was a stupid idea created by esport nerds and not RPG nerds. Everyone should have the same chance at the rewards no matter their skill level, it’s a holiday event for crying out loud. not some CE achieve.


I am a casual. So people will say I suck. Tanked full HH on full curse with a pug on top of not telling them I was doing the curse and got arfus and the keys first time I tanked it. It’s easy it’s not hard at all and if you consider that hard something is wrong.

I’m mostly in full crafted gear. I am casual to the core. It isn’t hard at all.


how did they do that?

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Man I am the first to be against mindless eliteism but this “hardmode” is not that at all. There is nothing elite or difficult about it.

Hardmode is literally geared at the normal average player there is nothing difficult aboutit


they did not lower anything. the drop rate for your first kill of the day (per account) is increased. drop rates are further increased for having curses when the fight ends. there is no scenario in which you have a lower chance than you did previously.


The point for most of us isn’t that it’s difficult. It’s not.

The point is why are holiday items even behind low droprate RNG in the first place? BLP should be putting them on the vendors for high costs of holiday currency, so that the holiday isn’t a frustration, it’s fun. Like holidays are supposed to be.


not the point.

That is another issue. id u wanna comolain about low droprates then go for it. But the OP and the rogue I quoted were talking like hardmode is some special ultra difficult thing aimed at making it harder to get the items. It is not. Read the comments above.

They’re screwing me!!!

-George Costanza

Couldn’t let it go…


It’s the issue both myself and Ratt were talking about, based off of the comment that I quoted from Annastasi.

They are Jerry!!!

Man, read what mr rogue wrote.

Skill level, CE ahieve.
Come on are we reading the same comments?

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You should be complaining about how the chances are manipulated and limited after the first try in a day per account.


Why add it in the first place? Just more hoops to jump through. I agree with an above poster, blizz is trolling its players.


Hard mode isn’t hard mode its just something to make the event tedious.


Might be normal for repeat kills, higher for first kill.


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“higher” - fix’d.

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??? :dracthyr_a1:

Because it is something new for those willing to dodge a few swirls on the ground. Thats what it is. Dont queue into it if you dont wanna take part of the event.

I ask again, do you consider the event difficult?