Blizz, Just Finish Off Multiboxing and Be Done With It

Farming started feeling like a waste of time when Blizz started ruining crafting professions .

If you paid attention to Shadowlands you’ll notice they’re backtracking on a lot of that.

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ITS ALL ABOUT MEEEEEEEEEEEE! Just because some people like cheaper stuff doesnt mean I shouldnt be able to overcharge. There are only three kinds of box complainers of which only one is legit. The legit one is PVP griefers. The other two (of which my bet you are one) is AH overcharging whiners and then there is #2 the participation trophy generation who thinks that no one who works harder or smarter should be able to get ahead. Equality of outcomes and all that intersectional crap.

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There is a net loss on the market though. While you might be paying less on one good, you are likely paying more on another… unless you only buying gold with real money. In that case, you pretty much circumvent the entire issue, but I would say that type of player is in the minority to a large degree, though that pool for players is increasing with the dwindling outlets for making gold.

Consider this, you have one player controlling 10 accounts as opposed to 10 players controlling 10 accounts. For the solo player, the gold they make goes right back into the development of their personal experience. While some of them might buy tokens, a lot of them might just buy general goods off the AH. By contrast, what are many of these multi-boxers buying? Tokens… They have said as much on these forums many, many times.

In the end, the larger issue is there are a lot of players that have always relied on making gold from herbing and mining and are now making significantly less. These players are the backbone of the economy. With everyone make less and less gold, it’s driving more and more players to token sales as a way to get gold.

The market hasn’t been healthy for sometime. Now, I’m not at all contending that is souly because of multi-boxers, just that they are one of many issues facing the market these days.

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The fact you think that is funny to me people will just do that without the software.

Blizz actually makes more if they pay with gold since they get the $20 from the token instead of the straight $15 from the sub

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I can’t wait til we get the same complaints about the AH during Shadowlands as we did during BFA as we did during Legion etc, etc…
WoD was the exception because of Garrisons generating mats.

Multi-boxing is here to stay and many people have found workarounds to continue doing what they’ve been doing.
If they were going to ban it, they would have done it when they changed the broadcasting software policy.
Instead they went out of their way to say multi-boxing is still allowed.

Oh and the gold value of tokens would theoretically drop with less people buying them from the AH.
They increase in gold value based on supply and demand. If the demand drops off, the value drops down.

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That wasn’t my point at all. And there is no “I” in this. I don’t multibox.

Your problem is that you refuse to see anyone else’s side and will twist things for your own narrative.

If you sell your stuff or use your stuff, farming was worth your time.

This is an opinion. What you and I define as toxic… or even unenjoyable are likely very different. Please don’t tell me what I think is fair or not.

It’s like you made 0 attempt to think this out.

Mass farming by one person versus 10 people is a pretty massive difference relative to time investment. Also, when one person is tapping a node completely, it prevents the other 10 solo players from tapping it at all.

This is your opinion and many of us disagree with it.

This is also your opinion and many of us disagree with it.

Again, your opinion…

Yes, that’s what opinions are.

See above.

What defines something as toxix? Oh… that’s right, it’s an opinion.

Please don’t try to tell other players what they should and should not like.


Not if you understand that time is also a currency. If i can work an hour to fund a week of raiding through the token because prices are all dirt cheap due to mass-boxxing versus farming 10 hours for the same amount of mats myself, i’m not going to farm. Pretty simple.

There’s no way you can spin mass-boxing as being beneficial for the game’s gameplay loop as a whole. Its not.

Its only good for the mass-boxxers themselves because they use their mountains of golds to buy end game rewards (+15 keys, Mythic mounts etc) and raid loggers who, well don’t want to partake in any other aspects of the game either way.


And yet you did that throughout your entire bulleted list as fact of “toxic,” yet when I give another view, suddenly I’m wrong and not allowed. :thinking:

Not reading any further or responding with that attitude.

Time is not a currency. Not even going down this ridiculous path again. Someone tried to use this “argument” for something else once and it was just as nonsensical. This is a game. You aren’t getting paid for it. This isn’t a job.


You have a finite amount of time in a day. Its a currency, regardless of what you’re doing involve a salary or not.

If you spend 10x more time accomplishing something than someone else. You’re 10x less effective. Doesn’t matter if you do it to actually earn money or simply out of leisure.


The thing is that it’s not actually possible to ban multiboxing.

Think about it. From Blizzard’s perspective, how are they supposed to tell the difference between a guy with 5 computers running different accounts and 5 guys in one room together running the same accounts?

The ban on input software allows them to define a a metric that they can measure, i.e. they can detect when outside software is interacting with WoW and they can tell when the character movements and actions are so in sync that it’s unlikely to just be a couple dudes coordinating together.

I’m going to go out on a limb as say that when people are upset about multiboxing, it’s the cases when there are 2 or more of the same class moving and acting in unison.

That might be hard to detect, depending on how it’s done, via software, but it’s pretty simple to see if you look at it.

This is a fun discussion for me. I don’t multi-box, I only play one toon, and I have what I believe to be a decent amount of coin. For me, this is largely academic. I also think you and I may have very similar real-world socio-economic beliefs judging from your posts, so this isn’t a ideological war of words.

The issue I feel here is that you’re supposing that the main form of income for the player is the market. There’s a stream of income that doesn’t have any bearing on the market (beyond the concept of supply and demand from things like player-led AOTC carries): gold collection in old raids, services (running other players, for example), trading services from professions, emissary crates/gold-based daily emissaries. Gold - for some - is a means to an end. If you need less of it to buy items, you need, well, less of it.

I think we would need to have a means to determine everyone’s ‘income’ in order to really discuss this concept. But I don’t think access to that data exists. At least not for us. And without knowing an empirical, objective data point (e.g. all player income is down because of the proliferation of cheap commodities due to multi-boxing), the assumption is that there’s a net negative to cheaper commodities (i’m using that term to apply to auction house farmables, like herbs, etc).

My hypothesis is that folks either engage the AH for one of two reasons:

  1. to amass wealth as an end-game goal - just to have that wealth
  2. to procure goods

If the cost of the goods that group #2 wants drops significantly, than they wouldn’t need much gold to begin with. Their purchasing power has increased. Obviously, this also requires us to know what their income was from the get-go, but, as I pointed out in the other paragraph, a players income might not even include the market

How do you empirically judge the health of WoW’s market?

Again, this is more fun for me, if this is frustrating you, let me know. Not my intent.

Not really, Subs aren’t where Blizz makes most of its money, the real currency comes from gold sales and token sales …Multiboxing hurts blizzards pocket books and that’s why we see Multiboxers going bye bye

I always read the argument “if it weren’t for multiboxers then Blizzard wouldn’t sell WoW tokens”, which to me makes no sense. People are going to buy tokens with cash, with or without multiboxers, and the only difference will be the gold value of them. Unless there’s some weird backcurtain garbage that I’m missing.

Attitude? You respond to every bullet and tell me I’m wrong and then say I have an attitude… how rich.

Maybe learn what an opinion is. What is and isn’t toxic is relative to the player and not for you to decide.

Just because Blizzard made it harder to multibox with more than 2-3 accounts, doesn’t mean they attacked multiboxers.

That’s like saying grocery stores should just stop selling toilet paper to everyone, just because they limited to buying a single pack, because a handful of people were buying carts full of it. Well they already limited you on what you could buy, they might as well just stop selling it.

You can still multibox, you just have to manually input actions on the accounts yourself. This has always been the case, as any sort of automatic input due to a 3rd party program has been illegal in the game.

What we hopefully stop seeing from Blizzard’s action, is parties of 10 druids flying around a zone and tapping every resource node on the map, as is the intended outcome from said actions.

Botters are the intended target of these changes, and the official page on multiboxing says as much. Multiboxing is not going to die from this.

If you can input actions manually on 10 different accounts at one time without the use of a 3rd party program, by all means, go at it. There’s no limit to how many instances of the game you want to run, as long as the inputs are manual.

The only people I see complaining are probably the ones that exploited the system to cause these actions to begin with.

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If someone wants to manually control multiple characters I say more power to them. I’m glad they can’t use automated systems anymore though because I always considered that a form of botting.