Blizz Interview and the "Blizz doesn't care"

Its easy to say that there’s no drawbacks for you.
More customization leads to more artists increasing cost.
Legacy scaling I want to say is bugged and Blizzard will fix it, but then I like to try and be optimistic
Ilvl scaling is a necessary evil cause it feels really bad when you’re 1 second late to an elite WQ mob and someone just comes along a one shot it.
Increasing loot drops would just make me raid-log faster and get bored faster and stop playing WoW as much, faster. Which I feel like Blizzard doesn’t want.
Define respecting players time. I like time gates on certain things like Valor from M+. It means that there’s only a certain amount of time each need I need to spend doing M+ to remain at the same level rven if there’s a lot of playtime difference and it takes of large amounts of pressure from AOTC / Low mythic guilds to do lots of M+ as its probably faster to gear from Uncapped valor M+ then raid.
Also I liked Revendreth before flying, thought it was kinda neat. Take that as you will.
Grinding is subjective as hell as it depends on if I’m having fun doing it, which is also subjective. So you’ll need to be a little more specific on that one.

… It’s a business. They do their jobs to further the general goal of that segment of their business, which is to produce a game that will retain players through (ideally) entertainment.

If you’re not entertained, provide constructive feedback as to why not. Otherwise, quit. There’s more than ample evidence to show that a majority of the people who are in any aspect of development for the game actively play it, so obviously they have some vested interest in making something that they themselves might enjoy.

Stop with this “BUT YOU’RE A GAMING COMPANY AND IF I PERSONALLY DON’T THINK YOUR HEART AND SOUL IS IN IT I’M GONNA CALL YOUR UNENLIGHTENED BUSINESS OUT!” You have no idea whose hearts and souls are or aren’t into it, you do not work there, you have no place to speak from. If you’re gonna complain about the damned game, complain about it- don’t make this about the people who make it and try to make it some personal zealous trash.

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That is exactly what it means in a narcissistic society like ours.

We don’t know this and if so, I would like to ask for clarification. C++ isn’t Java or Python, but they surely can work around this. My brothers work in the IT and I do can read a bit code.

This seems to be very reasonable, yes. People are starving for customization these days and I can’t blame them. WoW hasn’t even scratched the surface when it comes to character voices. It’s standard to have at least three different types for each race and gender. But this is also more of a international issue to gather and hire all voice actors.

We do not write in these terms, because this is toxic behavior and frustration coming from you, who is unable to move in any direction. People are not this simple, where you can demand “shut up or quit”, this your own limitation.

Oh, the players have certainly the right to speak out. We have evidence of it, plenty actually. The past five years provided a very clear feedback what’s wrong with the game in terms of Azerite and Covenants. As it turned out, the developers were wrong and had to change their idea of how the game is supposed to play because the customer knows what’s best for them.

Like I have said. If you’re too frustrated about a game, then perhaps you should not quit the game, as you would advice it for everyone to do so, but rather start focusing on accepting that something is wrong with the game and ultimately with your own behavior if you wish to force people out for your own good. In reality, this isn’t how the world works.

Mounts, transmog, pets, all the ‘useless’ stuff is not a problem, as we seen with Sha they just refuse to make the changes, they believe it will keep us on the treadmill when in fact it does nothing but turn us away from the game.

It’s more about things like “M+ is too hard in M10+”, because lo and behold when you look at the percentages and number of runs completed M10+ vs. the amount of runs done below M10. Than take into account that’s only the numbers of the runs we can find on the RIO site, not all the players who don’t even do M+, add in the tryhards who tell us to get good, add in players like myself who never really have a problem because I do 99% of my runs with a guild than you are left with such a small number of wannabe players who think they are good, but really not, wanting something changed that will affect a much larger percentage of the player base.

Blizzard will see things like this and go “Yeh nah we are not changing that”, like how casual players ask for, and something I have also done, a way to run solo outdoor content or things like Torghast, solo IE, make dungeons solo possible and allow us to acquire a currency that can be used to eventually buy and upgrade gear over the course of an entire season so we can get to say normal raid iLVL without doing normal raids. But, only over the entire course of a season so at least we have something to work towards if we don’t raid or do M+.

And things like that are not really ever asked for, rarely do you ever see posts made about it, no one in game ever talks about it so Blizzard will have such a low number of people asking for that specifically that they will have no need to implement it. The majority of the casual players don’t actually need the gear, and the’ casual’ players who run LFR and low M+ are not really even casual, they just need to step out of their comfort zone and put in some actual effort.

There are some genuine reasons why Blizzard won’t make changes, and you know what would be nice? If they just openly communicated to us, like just made some posts about why things are not being changed, they need to stop sitting on their hands seemingly doing nothing.

What would also be nice is if they took some random requests, forced us to do surveys before we logged in, than released the data. Like “Do you want Necrotic removed?” with the option of Yes, No and Does not affect me and if enough players who do M7+ said yes they can come out and say here are the results, this is what the majority of players who do this content want, and these are the changes we are making. Than we have nothing to fall back on, we can’t complain that I don’t want something because it is majority rules. But alas they seemingly do nothing, just leave us in the dark, change that and it will go a long way to keeping a lot of people quite.

I’m telling you that going on about “heart and soul” of people involved in creative content creation is pointless. You want to make it about the individual workers, when it simply isn’t that. The individual developer does not decide overall direction. Telling them they’re not putting heart and soul into their work when they may actually be doing so is a great way to demoralize them.

You’ve found things wrong with the overall direction of the game, yes, and I even agree with those things you find wrong about the overall game direction.

Every individual person working to develop WoW is not responsible for those decisions.

What does me stating facts have to do with “forcing people out” for anything, and how is fewer people playing “for my own good”? The point stands. You want to make this about the individual developers when the direction of your point needs to be at the overarching direction led by the person or persons who actually make those decisions and okay those decisions.

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To be far, t3 and t7 are the same model. Just updated so just run naxx?

I don’t think this would be possible for them. They fostered this toxic game environment in the first place without using common sense or reasoning. They take us for granted and that’s where the problem lies. We are customers, not mindless people. If I’m really upset with the direction of the game, I can still go and play on private servers where my time is likely even more valued. That’s the harsh reality.

If they cannot adapt, then it will end like Shadowlands: An absolute misguided expansion beyond comparison. The critical mass usually knows what’s best for the game, the developer’s pride has no place in such environment.

I’m a simple girl. I see you capslocking and I know that you already lost the point. Your emotions have no place in a discussion, it only shows your vulnerability everyone can exploit. And trust me, that’s a lesson I had to learn as well when I was younger and my older brothers played me like a fiddle. Writing things akin to “stop right now or leave” is toxic. Everyone decides this for themselves if they leave or not.

That’s all I have to say.

But not the same colors. That’s important for transmog.

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Then perhaps you should have read literally one more line down.

I’m saying that people clamoring for the removal or disallowing of things that affect them in zero ways whatsoever, that they could simply not do themselves, just for the “principle” of it, don’t have a valid opinion that should be listened to.

Here’s a decision tree:

  • Am I affected negatively in any way by this content being in the game beyond it just vaguely bothering me that other people are using this system? - Y/N

If yes, then opinions should be gathered to form a consensus. If no, then no, your opinion is invalid.

I wouldn’t say that. Removing things for others players while you have it gives you an ego boost in being (artificially) important in a game with no real life value.

Apparently you’re very simple, yes. I used caps once in paraphrasing you.

What I said was to correctly address where the problems stem from and provide feedback constructively, or don’t bother. Nobody’s interested in your toxicity towards individual people working at Blizzard to produce a game most of us share a common interest and love in.

I’m not the one trying to make things personal here, that’s you. And now you’re (rather foolishly, I might add) attempting to expand that to emphasize what you think you do or don’t understand about me as a reason to dismiss what I said.

You’re trying to talk about the heart and soul of developers putting work into the game. What do you want people to call it? Not-work? At the end of the day it’s a job, they do it, and they get paid for doing it. Many of the people doing that work play WoW or other games and have a passion for their work because of a love for WoW or games in general. You’re trying to imply that issues with the oversight and leadership of the entire team building this game are evidence that the rank and file has no passion for the game. There’s every possibility that even Ion has a deep passion for the game, and that he’s simply misguided in some of his perceptions about it.

When you stop trying to make it about the people and start making it about the decisions, you’ll have ground to stand on.

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I acknowledge your effort and ad hominems. I simply do not engage with you regarding this topic anymore, because your specific points have been discussed to death already before and it’s not worth changing the topic. You may bark against the wall, but I rather refer you to the search feature.

Ah yes, pretending you’re correct in all assertions and dismissing any points made as a result of your rather severely misplaced perception of superiority.

Nothing new in the forums. I’m glad you could at least admit you can’t hold this discussion without getting personal, since you have nothing of substance to contribute. I can leave happily on the note of you at least being capable of admitting that.

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I get what you are saying however that’s not how the world works, i know this example is an extreme but it’s just to exemplify a scenario.

Giving mythic gear from emissaries wouldn’t affect mythic raiders at all besides make their ilvl and accomplishments look less impressive, however part of the game is doing something that is hard or that not everyone does, that’s why gatekeeping is a real concern and it is something blizzard has to take into account.

Furthermore devs don’t have infinity time to work on infinity things therefore pointing out that’s not something you want them to spend their time on is always important.

And lastly for someone complaining that blizz don’t listen to your complains despite knowing a lot people don’t want what you want to say that blizzard should ignore other people complain based on your personal criteria is hypocritical imo.

Things are not as simples as you make it out to be

Blizzard does care. You are just whiny and unhappy with the game. Go play something else.

Watch out! No criticism allowed! Baitbus will think you’re just whiny.


No we don’t.

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I’m not saying its impossible and without actually seeing what they’re doing I can’t comment on how easy / difficult it’ll be for them. I just know that I’ve had some personal experience with changing a database table and having one of my personal projects go very sideways due to said change.

To be fair, WoW has very minimal dialogue when it comes to voice lines.

Increased drop chance just means I get bored faster as there’s nothing to do.
Thats a drawback

Aggressive Bad luck protection just means I get bored faster
Thats a drawback

Turning off Ilvl scaling makes getting WQ’s with high ilvl people around more tedious
Thats a drawback, not even counting the WQ where you want to damage BUT NOT KILL

Removing all grind removes stuff to do, getting bored faster
Thats a drawback

Again, define “Respecting players time”
Removing vertical navigation just makes all zones flat, Revendreth is one of my favourite zones, even before flying. Unless you mean something else with “Terrain Design”
Timegating I like as it means I don’t have to No-life WoW to remain competitive in PvE / PvP
RNG is part and parcel of MMOs otherwise I’d just get what I want and just bored fater
Those are all drawbacks.

But what a way to only read the first line.