Blizz Interview and the "Blizz doesn't care"

They don’t listen, even when they specifically ask for feedback, just look at the return granular guild thread, more than 5000 posts without any action whatsoever.

When communities were released there was an unintended change to guild controls, they went from allowing GMs to set roles and permissions in a granular way that provided GMs great flexibility in managing their guilds.
After the communities were released the guild permissions were amalgamated into only 2 ranks, guild member or guild officer

In the WoW Live Developer Q&A w/ Ion Hazzikostas - August 23rd 2018 Ion said that they were looking for further feedback, he even stated: “let us know what problems you are having and we do what we can to solve those problems”.…ntrols/1139575

So yeah they don’t listen no matter how hard they pretend to.