I’m doing the same. Hopefully Blizzard will get the point. Their stocks are already dropping. Before classic the numbers had dropped from 12 million active accounts at their peak, to 3 million earlier this year. They need to think about the decision they are making to bend over to the Chinese government while leaving their largest bases behind - The Americas. We have had a larger active playing population than all of the Asian areas for quite some time now and they are picking a dictatorship, censoring government control agency to appease over their own people. This is not okay.
You are a few years late on your concern for the atrocities committed by the People’s Republic.
Doesn’t matter what the world thinks. China does not care what anyone thinks.
post on your main then.
Be brave like Blitz chung!
You’re right, but with enough time and pressure we can change things.
Right, Bourger, but if anyone ever said a word about Trump or Boris Johnson or Justin Trudeau no one would give any fcks about it. But oh it’s China so we need to take big action? No, we are being censored and this has gone too far
this one good enough i have several “mains”
This is Chimerah.
Yes maybe we are late to the party but this time it directly affected an American company who is outright censoring someone. This is something we cannot stand for.
i wanna see a higher ILVL BABY!
Oh, see I assumed that you had just become aware thaT the Chinese Communists were a totalitarian regime since they pressured the silencing of a video gamer, rather than their usual tactic of disappearing people. Like they have for about 4 decades now.
OP this is for you https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/2659
higher than 120 show me how
I don’t give a sht about what China thinks either.
This is about BLIZZARD. Blizzard is the AMERICAN company who is censoring for China. THAT IS WHAT WE NEED TO FOCUS ON. They can’t go on doing this. They are not a Chinese company. How many other American or non-chinese companies will start censoring for China? Do you guys want to allow this?
And you’re making the false assumption that people saying they’re giving up their subs are actually going to give up that sub.
But thanks to everyone being anonymous on the great Internet who knows what’s a lie and what’s the truth.
i am very aware of the genocides that china has commited in its past like the great leap forward.
We get to make fun of all of them in a months time don’t worry.