I would visit it and hate that such good people are under the throws of a terrible regime and wish the pipe dream the west has had that capitalism would topple the PRC came true.
Which brings us back to the “square thingy” you like to call it. That thingy actually caused the PRC hardliners to begin to cement themselves into China and really prepare for western influence to maintain a firm brainwashing grip on the Chinese people. They still blame the west for the protests then, just like they do for HK today.
I read alot on totalitarianism. Nothing has turned my stomach worse than a book on Mao has. I have actually had a hard time finishing it. And I even wrote a paper on Stalin once. Mao was the king kong of psycho dictators.
They have one good choice. Its the hardest choice in the world as power and policy tend toward corruption at any level, but they could do the thing which would earn them the respect and admiration of their people both in Hong Kong and on the mainland as well as the entire worlds wonder and admiration.
There is no real “wall” (other than the Great one of course) to China but Xi Jinping could do the one thing that would make the entire world a better place. He could become Mikhail Gorbachev.
It’s from this mistake of a response. https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/blizzard/23185888/regarding-last-weekend-s-hearthstone-grandmasters-tournament
The casters and Blitzchung bans have both been reduced to 6 months and his prize money is back. The rest is non-apology garbage.
My other personal favorite lies quotes are
Think Globally; Lead Responsibly; and importantly, Every Voice Matters, encouraging everybody to share their point of view. The actions that we took over the weekend are causing people to question if we are still committed to these values. We absolutely are
Moving forward, we will continue to apply tournament rules to ensure our official broadcasts remain focused on the game and are not a platform for divisive social or political views.
also it was posted on the 12th, it’s the 12th in china. my sides cannot handle that fact
Actually the distaste for the PRC runs pretty much across the west. Try again.
Yeah I am sure everyone who is attatched to the PRC’s pocket book in some way love the PRC. Unfortunately there are 1.36 billion chinese and most of them are under the boot picking apart old electronics with caustic chemicals in farm towns and eeking out a living growing rice on top of PCB dumping grounds.
In the tournament itself blitzchung played fair. We now believe he should receive his prizing. We understand that for some this is not about the prize, and perhaps for others it is disrespectful to even discuss it. That is not our intention.
He will also likely keep his title, but will still have a 6 month ban alongside the casters.
For example, Blizzard didn’t allow LGBT, Religious, or Political Party inspired guilds in the past. Blizzard said their reasoning was that did not want to engage in any form of politics. They were then criticized for holding that position. Those not happy with the policy said that holding a “non-political” stance was still making a political stance.
More recently blizzard has been open about these issues and activity promotes an identity of inclusivity. Then the Hong Kong happens incident occurs. Now Blizzard refusing to get involved in politics is considered apolitical.
There is in irony there, right?
Moral of the story- be consistent in your application or avoid politics like the plague.
knew a guy who taught english there. he was a bostoniam who married a chinese lady. he said everything you want to do must be followed by a bribe. want to teach? gotta bribe somebody. want to open a business, gotta bribe somebody and, somebody else, and somebody else, etc. the amount of money changing hands outside gov purview is pretty astounding lol
he also said, the food is great. fresh produce and fish, every day. i mean, killed / caught/ picked same day and for sale in the market. probably have better diets.
You recite all the media talking points about China. They are selective, often inaccurate or half-truths and limited.
Have you been to China?
Do you know anyone from there?
These are the best ways to learn about it, or any other country.
The first time I traveled abroad I was amazed to find that stories I had heard or read in US media were either inaccurate, half-truths (and therefore very misleading) or in some cases, outright lies.
It’s a bit of a rude awakening to find that other places in the world are nice places, and governments that have been described as “evil” or “tyrannical” often in fact, aren’t. (Venezuela under Chavez, case in point, for instance)
Even in places where government is waaay different than the USA, the people generally are happy where they are, like their way of life and culture. China is full of happy people and, just like anywhere else, unhappy people.
The assumption that everyone in Hong Kong supports the students is erroneous. Many Hong Kong residents actually oppose them.
Our crude, American understanding is that this is a struggle for “freedom.” In fact, there is a lot more to it. I recommend you read the OP. That individual knows what they are talking about, whether or not you agree with his/her conclusions.
The United Nations OHCHR is a joke. They once had Iran as committee chair. I don’t know why you would expect them to hear a serious case.
And even if they would entertain the idea of actually taking human rights seriously, who would bring the case before them? The dead students who were scraped off the cobblestones with a toothbrush? Their own mothers already disavowed them as traitors.
Look, I’m not saying it’s easy to control a people who rabidly slaughtered or exiled all of their free thinkers and intellectuals in the name of one man’s Napoleon complex, but…
Bribing to get things done is pretty much SOP in countries outside the west.
I mean it happens in euro/US to some degree, but its just SOP when you do business elsewhere. You going to Saudia Arabia to do business for a US company? Better bring bribe money.
May I ask what you think the media is lying about?
Is it the concentration camps, the disappearing people, the constant surveillance and censorship, the social credit scores, the organ harvesting, or the general authoritarian way it operates?