Blizz, Hong Kong, Freedom of speech, lets have an Adult discussion

Congratulations, given the freely available information on this subject you still managed to get it completely wrong - on both counts.


In the end, he should be proud of himself. And people should be accepting to it. But what is happening are people are blowing blizzards reaction way out of the water, like they deserve more. It stops being about HK and more about blizz in ALL these threads, Not links to go fund me’s and charities to ACTUALLY support HK. Its just hate at this point.

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oh please. Im not the one faking outrage over this crap. Where was all this bogus hating on china in here the last 30 years when it really deserved it?
This forum got riled up when THIS incident happened. Before then few if any in here gave a whit about what china has BEEN doing for 100 years.

And yes, rules are rules are rules.
they cant just let some rule breaker off because a few people are suddenly activists this week.


My comment is about people who harass others on social media. It has nothing to do with expectations of a corporation’s values. You are unhappy about something? Fine, state your position. But don’t say it’s okay to harass, bully, or silence those who disagree or just don’t care.

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Kids a hero to me, anytime someone calls out human rights violations I applaud it! I dont care what the platform is…

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Why on Earth would people have been posting here about their dislike for the Chinese regime on matters unrelated to Blizzard? That’s the hill you want to die on? Because you didn’t see them doing it elsewhere then they have no right to do it here about something explicitly related to Blizzard?

Any gofund me or charity would have to be a scam. There is zero percent chance China would allow that money to actually reach autonomy groups in HK.

as i asked…where was all this fake china rage BEFORE this incident happened?
Nowhere to be found, thats where.
This will be forgotten inside two weeks.
Blizzard will ride the wave out and we’ll be back to the relentless LFR hate threads shortly.

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how can you hear what he typed?

China has always been like this but now people want to hate china? should have done that years ago maybe hong kong would be free by now.

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Because human rights isn’t more important than your video game? Not everyone is happy their subscriptions fund a company that assists another country in their oppression.

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Ahh but China doesnt have a choice. A Go fund me could be started to building a community within a state to house imigrants from there at no cost to them. If there is that many people in NA that actually care donated a few dollars it could esaily happen, but it wont.

People only support causes in this county if they don’t have to actually so anything about them.

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Building. This happened just after southpark had an episode called “Band in China” which really raised the profile.

On another level this exposes yet another lie with which globalism was sold to the general public in the 90s. That once consumerism came to the PRC it would liberalize personal freedom.

Blizz just had the bad fortune to be caught up at the crest of a wave of contempt for corporations and globalism.

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Uhm… I’ve got some really bad news about getting exit visas and passports from authoritarian countries.

Stop hiding your hate behind human rights and go make something useful instead. Bashing a video game company doesn’t make things any better.

You think they want to keep people there that dont want to be? I have a feeling they would rather kick them out but know they cant.

It was elsewhere in places unrelated to Blizzard, because Blizzard hadn’t done this thing yet.

I want you to think about this - people can’t comment on something until it happens, because we can’t see the future. You get that, yeah? They weren’t expressing outrage here for you to observe because this thing had not yet taken place.

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Your ruining their poorly constructed emotion driven argument that someone else planted in their head to rile them up.

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