Blizz, Hong Kong, Freedom of speech, lets have an Adult discussion

But you all said you loved Globalism, what happened to Nationalism = N_zis?

I still think the outrage is a bit over the top. When you’re in business, you tend to want to please your customers. I don’t think Blizzard condones much of what the Chinese government does but at the same time, they have no power to change it.

I didn’t stop eating Subway sandwiches when Jared was discovered to be a terrible person. I don’t like China’s government practices one bit, I can’t stand atheistic communism and the destruction it has brought historically and still continues to wreak havoc on those under it’s regimes.

I can’t stand the fact that our own government and corporations got us so deep into China’s grip. What can we realistically do about it? Not much. Trump is trying to even the playing field a bit and put a little pain on them but if you purchase anything in this nation that has anything to do with technology, you have no choice but to purchase products made in China (for the most part).

Whenever you drive in the country and see a large farm and fields of cotton, a lot of that cotton ships to China and comes back here as clothing. So it’s not just technology products. It’s in almost every category of products we rely on.

You can’t realistically boycott China as we are too dependent on them to make our goods.

The only way you could completely be free of supporting China in any way would be to live off the land and go off the grid. Most people aren’t willing to do that.

Blizzard was put in a terrible position, maybe they didn’t handle it the best way possible but they have to look out for the interests of their shareholders, management and employees that depend on them for a living.

Cut Blizzard a little slack here is what I’m saying.

The media cycle runs on outrage now. Because the consumers have the emotional maturity of toddlers. It’s easy to rile them up, click on your articles, then jangle the keys to distract them, then get them riled up about Trump patting a brown dog meaning he’s a racist obviously.

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No, Blizzard didn’t handle it properly. Like I’m pretty sure most of this wouldn’t have been a thing if they just came out and said that they couldn’t allow political speech during events and instead of being heavy handed, worse then cheaters, they could have done a more proper punishment. Oh, and maybe not apologize to China while defending the pride of their nation.

I’m not sure what will come out of this, I am curious though. Might be nothing and it will all blow over but people have a tendency to remember these kind of things so Blizzard is going to be dealing with this for years to come. Hell, people still give them crap over the fact Alliance players were openly mocked on stage at one of the Blizzcons.


Still not as bad as, “do you guys not have phones?” Blizzard will never live that down.

This will blow over in a week or two and be forgotten.


Like I said, I’m curious. We’ll see how Blizzcon goes down in a few weeks.

Our media conglomerates do us no favors. Perhaps a hedge fund set this all up to short Blizzard stock. All kidding aside, the market reaction doesn’t seem to care as much as the interwebz.

Blizzcon will be interesting, no doubt about it.

Rumor is that all Blizzcon audience cameras have now been disabled. So sorry guys no one dressing up in a Winnie the Pooh costume in the hopes of getting on the internet and scoring some chicks at the hotel nearby for being internet famous.

It is not Blizzard place to be a platform for everyone’s social and political agenda. If they start allowing this, they will never be able to claw their way back and it will just grow out of control. They are right to try and keep themselves and their games from being used as such platforms.

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It was already obvious the anti-Blizzard people were only taking a stand to be self-important, but there’s no better example of this than creating a new thread when there’s already one active with 7k+ posts.

And the virtue signaling award goes to the guy who has to make a new thread when there is already one blizzard merged to create a mega topic. Aren’t you special!

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Sometimes it takes literal situations for people to understand.

Negative ghostwriter. America first. Patriotism is never a bad thing. Bending the knee to a communistic government would have our forefathers rolling in their graves.

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The world could always use more heroes.

No I specifically remember media and protesters saying Globalism = Good, Nationalism = Bad. I mean no better way to show how progressive you are than dissolving your nations borders and becoming one with the global community, holding hands, and singing kumbaya everyday.

Ah yes, the Star Trek future. :slight_smile:

This statement demonstrates some pretty serious ignorance to how much International support, particularly from France, carried the Revolution.

Again, there are plenty of Americans with French ancestors. I did not specify English, did I? Geez.

That just doesn’t even make any sense.