I know it might seem like some of us have loose morals, but I actually find people are pretty consistent most of the time.
You just need to understand them and where they are coming from.
Like with me, it might sound contradictory that would support the Chinese military cracking down on unlawful violent protesting, but am not against peaceful protests. It sounds like a contradiction but it’s really not.
It’s like this…
1-I support protests, as in showing a sign saying what you stand for, so long as you not blocking anyone from going about their lawful business.
2-I don’t support protests when they turn violent, as I don’t like people using violence to impose their views on me.
3-I only use violence to stop violence, and that’s the only circumstance where I don’t mind the use of it and I admit I even find it funny. See it’s nice to see a bit of poetic justice and to see violent people get a taste of their own medicine.
None of these values are contradictory or inconsistent with anything. So if Blizzard is supporting a regime that’s cracking down on people behaving violently, good on them.
Oh and by the way, for all these people that saying they love democracy, that’s a load of rubbish. You only like democracy when it suits you. Look at Brexit, all these people accusing Boris Johnson of being anti-democratic, what rubbish, how can it be that a large majority of people voted to leave that EU thing, and there’s all this talk going on for another referendum to be pushed forward, why is that, because these ‘pro-democracy’ people say that there was a vote, but you picked the wrong answer so you need to vote again.
That’s the reality of these democracies, you vote the wrong answer, they will come back with another vote a few years later to get the yes vote through. So for all this accusation of China being anti-democratic, the reality is, that I actually haven’t seen a true democracy in my entire life. The only democracy I know is when it’s me and another person voting on whether we should have pizza or sausages for dinner, and if there’s only two of us, the only way to break the deadlock is to flip a coin and leave it all to chance.
When all these people are saying they are pro-democracy, what exactly is a democracy anyway? Would you support a democracy if 60% of people in the democracy voted for capital punishment, to KILL all the elderly people to free up resources for the younger, if 70% voted to blast your kids off to the moon on a one-way trip, I could go on and on.
The point is, that people are very consistent creatures, they will do anything they can to get their way and will usually stick to their values and beliefs as bizarre and contradictory as it sometimes sound. That’s why democracy is falling apart with that Brexit fiasco, because the vote was inconsistent with the values of the people of a more progressive mindset. So nothing that’s happening is surprising.