Blizz great job nerfing void volley, no really gj

Yeah, I still enjoy it over Venthyr, probably because it’s something different. Sometimes it hits the wrong thing like that, but it’s aight. If it pumps one person, it’s still good spread pressure. Wish it had more control though.

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i think i got alot of good clips of necro. its the funniest stuff

kek what?

sv hunter is great.

The SUPER messed up part is they gave hunters a 15% damage buff… looked at it… and said “okay cant buff kill command in pvp” as though most of the damage isnt coming from cobra + killshot anyways


What about new kyrian warrior spear leggo, how does holinka or anyone at blizz be like ya this is fine to add to their kit, no problem

oh thats easy the pve/m+/legendary developers are ENTIRELY SEPARATE from the pvp balancing team

Holinka does not do PvP balancing?

They nerfed the wrong part. Give them the dmg back, but make the disorient DR with itself or fear or something


buff hunters more imo there should be a 3rd pet in animal companion talent

The fact that it doesn’t blows my mind