Blizz gave Horde easier access to Allied Races in Both Legion and Now BFA

No. I do not want things to keep getting easier just because some casual cant handle a bit of a grind.


You need to be revered with rustbolt in order to get pathfinder tho. So you most likely already have it too.

I find this the only acceptable complaint. But Id assume its so Alliance dont massivly switch to Horde and cause further faction imbalance and Horde would more likely play Alliance for the Allied race. It worked for me on Void Elves I made and played several when they came out. To bad mechagnomes arent appealing to me.

and here i was thinking that the horde favoritism was that the alliance got mechagnomes at all.

All the argus stuff was doable in a month like getting to exalted so no it didn’t take multiple weeks more. insurrection takes a week alone and it takes a few weeks to get exalted with nightborne it takes roughly the same amount of time about a month.

No matter what you had months to to get it done beforehand more than enough time that if you were just doing daily stuff you would unlock all allied races day one as far as the legion ones go.

So far the only AR that you didn’t have ample enough time to prepare for was Dark Iron Dwarfs and Mag’har Orcs.

Alliance players do some crazy mental gymnastics to make themselves the victims

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The Mechagnomes will still be available when the rep is finally finished. They WILL be available after the first day. There really is no rush.

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No the dev said the exalted part counts if you do it on a horde. You still need to complete the Machaon threat on your Alliance as per those reporting from the PTR.

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Lol. Bro… you never fail to crack me up.

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You surely can’t be serious. Rustbolt is one of the easiest faction grinds in the game. An 850 rep daily plus the dailies…and it’s somehow


It’s even a zone you can easily fly in without Pathfinder. How much easier would you like it?

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Exalted on my Horde BM, and a simple grind to Revered on my Alliance Aflock plus a run through what will only be Heroic Mechagon. It’s a walk in the park.

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Hard disagree, the Suramar story is quite interesting and will leave you at ~3/4 from exalted.
The Argus story will leave you barely at Honorable, from there it’s just a repetitive WQ grind in a no-fly zone.

If you spent less time complaining, and more time working towards those things, you’d notice its about the same and this post wouldnt need to be here.


Yeah but you need to complete the storyline which has 2 phases which included doing a raid as a requirement.

The Argus storyline is shorter and the WQ mostly give rep for both factions. Then you have weeklies on top of Emissaries that help out with rep.

But almost nobody cares about Lightforged, you’re doing the grind for the emo elves.
Also, you only have to do the raid once; which imo is better than killing Argus fauna for the Nth time and you get a cool mount out of it (Arcanist’s Manasaber). If you finish the Army of Light rep you get a pat in the back and permission to spend 500k on a mount.

While true, you still need a 120 Horde character to do the recruitment scenario. So it’s not particularly a disadvantage given that you would need that character anyway.

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Seems to be the way it is in all of the allied races. It’s really no big deal. I have chosen not to get the Alliance ARs in BfA. Not interested in Kul Tirans, Dark Iron Dwarves, or Mechagnomes. Everything is a choice.

This is ALWAYS the Horde response:

“Bu-but the Horde story is so much worse! Our suffering is much worse than all the extra hours you have to put in to unlock everything! It TOTALLY evens out!”

Give me a break.

Have you actually played Horde in BFA? Our capitol and our Nazjatar quest hub are objectively bad.
When I play an Alliance alt in Nazjatar, I don’t get dismounted in Mezzamere, despite going into 2 different “buidlings” but on Horde half of our relevant NPCs live in a big cave with a large obstacle in the middle.
It does nothing but waste time.
Dazar’alor is split into two segments that require a flightpath to reach in a reasonable timeframe and before we could unlock flying going between the bank/portal and profession trainers was a huge pain.

I’m not saying the AR unlocks are fair or balanced or whatever but from an objective stand point the Horde’s two main hubs take quite a bit more time to navigate on a day to day basis.

Also, yes the story for Horde is terrible. We follow a leader, after the commit mass murder, knowing that they are going to betray us at the end for the second time in BFA.

If everything was the same on both factions this game would be worse for it. Paladins and Shamans going to opposing factions is something I’m still not 100% on board with after all these years.

Why do alliance have to do a dungeon to unlock allied races while horde doesn’t?

Why does horde get rep completed for mechagnomes as part of normal questlines, while alliance has to grind 40k rep in a completely new zone that’s not part of the normal questline?

Oh yeah, we have horde devs who aren’t stupid enough to put extra work on themselves, but they seem to enjoy making the other faction have to work harder for the same achievements.

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But they do and Horde just doesn’t even have an equivalent to this. Like I get what OP is saying. Horde has had easier access to allied races twice now. That’s fair but it’s not lile we got something you didn’t. We just got access to ours easier and even that is arguable. Y’all literally got a whole a$$ mount that we just can’t get and have zero equivalent to.

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