Blizz, for the love of Azeroth, fix the TWW campaign!

the people who usually ask if someone “goes outside or touches grass in life??” usually are projecting


I feel like this entire thread is all about people projecting, lol. I mentioned the lack of content just a side note but everyone seems to be focusing solely on that.

It’s also really funny to me because I’ve never been accused of rushing content or even playing a lot before. If anything those who knows me in-game are always on my case for not wanting to run M+ 24/7, lol.

There’s barely any content to rush through to begin with and they partitioned what little there is behind time gating and are slowly dripping out the bugged max level campaign day by day without even bothering to check if the quests works right.

Maybe it “isn’t broken” if you don’t care one iota about story, but if you do care about story, then yeah, many of the cutscenes are broken.

The cutscenes and cinematics from the level 80 campaign quests are the ones that are currently bugged and may or may not get fixed anytime soon.

In other words, the quests that were never tested in beta because they were previously encrypted.


It was your first sentence.

Sorry, second sentence upon further review.

It’s only a part of the second sentence and it only sets up the main premise of the sentence. Literally everything else including the title, which is what ostensibly brought you here, very clearly talks about the bugged max level campaign…

The fact that I am having to engage in a debate over the semantics of what I wrote only goes to show none of you have anything relevant to say about a very real problem, just like Blizzard who haven’t even acknowledged it as a known issue yet.

Have you tried disabling all your addons and then running through the content with the cutscenes again?

I only ask because I disabled every addon I have and I don’t get hit really hard with bugs, unlike some of the others that play on my realm do.

It’s easy enough to enable them afterward, too. Idk if repeating it would be possible though or if you’d even want to do that, now that I think about it.

I bet someone has all the cutscenes on Youtube by now. I’m going to look.

Yep, they’re up on YT. via @YouTube

The campaign isn’t “bugged”, but a good deal of the cut scenes do have audio issues. I’ve made it as far in the campaign as you can get until reset with zero “bugs”. Programmatically, everything is working as it should.

As for leveling speed, yes, you can burn through from 70-80 really fast, if you actually go fast. I took my time, read every letter of quest text in every quest, and it took me a couple of days to max level during EA.

I’m still enjoying the game by running delves, heroics, and doing world quests and special missions. There’s also my herbing and mining that I will begin grinding once I finish the full campaign. And that is just my main, I have only placed my alts in Dornogal as of now and not begun full on leveling them.

I’m not at a loss for things to do on my main alone, so, I can’t relate to your statement of:

I am sorry but you’re completely wrong on this, it has absolutely nothing to do with addons.

Those are not the cutscenes I am referring to. The only bugged ones are those that are part of the max level campaign that opens after level 80 and that hasn’t even been fully released yet as they’re dripping it out one quest chain per day.

You can see all of the bugged ones here. And they have been bugged for everyone that has done them without exception. On top of that there are all the other issues I listed in my OP.

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bro has 4 days of game time since release and realized he has nothing left to do. Play an alt take a break or work on professions or farm gold. Play old content or something

I mean yeah it’s not fun waiting for the resets but with Warbound gear, discounts, and renown… Playing alts is so easy and encouraged to consume more time if you wish. Sadly that doesn’t remedy your main but it does mean you can target two different slots or more at a time for discounts for everyone you do play.

I agree with the OP, but for a different reason. I literally have nothing to do because I do not have world quests or campaign skip for alts. I have a good progress on must achievements but only way to progress on gear is to do heroics but that is a shame with people leaving half the time.

I have had some broken audio on cutscenes. but outside of that it’s been smooth.

is just the 80+ story

some WQ are broken 5 min btw kobold spawns? come on