Blizz could i get a mace please

My poor ele shaman keeps getting daggers when all he wants for xmas is a mace

That’s all this toon gets. I want a damn staff.

M…mog it to a mace?

Can’t mog daggers to maces :sob:

I thought you could? I swear I’d done it before. :thinking: What are the options for daggers?

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I just wanna dual wield 2 handed weapons so I can mog them into scythe polearms, specifically Jaithys and Xal’atoh…

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Other daggers :joy:

I never understood why daggers only mog to daggers. Some of them are as big as swords.


Something about knowing what kind of rogue you are fighting? Or maybe rogue class fantasy? Idk blizz reasons.

And yeh I agree, free the dagger mogs, and give OP a mace!

I’ve gotten a lot of maces (and plate armor) in this expansion. They are out there.

But it seems that Blizzard has gone out of its way to give worthless items to players. People say go kill super rares to get armor. I kill them and get plate armor on this character.


I thought I saw a mace as one of the WQ rewards out there earlier today.

You could ask Diddy. He might be able to help. Oh wait, that’s a different Mase.

exact opposite for me on my rogue. I have like 10 maces…

See, I’d kill for a dagger with haste / vers from PvP. The fact I’m constantly regulated to a staff feels bad. I wish we had weapon type combos for all staff combinations so weapons, at least from PvP, became purely cosmetic.

Either that or we should just open transmog up entirely involving weapons so people who are tired of constantly having to use a staff can change it up now and again. That’d be nice.

You could always transmog Doomhammer.

My friend got a one-handed flail by getting lucky with random backpacks in DI. A real actual flail. I’m so jealous >:C