Blizz constantly nerfs every class

I mean, they clearly don’t pay attention to the patch notes as they’ve buffed a lot of specs over the last few months. Nothing huge, but they’d done more buffs than nerfs.

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… Make Darkglare good…

… and Make Frost DK feel good to use Runic Power…

Frost Strike is LAAAAME. D:


You’re barking up the wrong tree.

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Maybe not…

But hey, I gotta express to my Hypothetical Kaldorei Wife. :smiley:

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I call that the Irelia Syndrome

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WoW is stagnant with content drought with 9.1 not coming out for weeks without any more interesting balance changes?


But she’s not part of the World of Warc…


… Actually. Never mind.


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It isnt even darkglare, its the new conduit making drain soul slap harder than malefic rapture. Who needs a soul shard spender amiright? Except for AoE of course, where we spend seed of corruption.

Blizzard actually does that, recently they buffed I believe Fury Warrior damage by a small amount alongside a few other classes.

But it’s not a sustainable thing they can do all the time and here’s why. Let’s say that instead of nerfs they buff underperforming classes right? Well there’s always going to be an underperforming class. It’s never going to be equal. What then? Does Blizzard keep buffing the underperformers?

I’d imagine you’d say yes to that right? Well in that case you’ve created a snowball effect. Ever seen a snowball roll down a hill? As it goes it collects more and more snow until it gets too large for its own good. That’s what would happen with WoW classes if Blizzard just kept buffing. Eventually, they’d get way too powerful and Blizzard would have to nerf them to bring them to more manageable levels.

And then we’d be right back here with players getting upset that their class got nerfed.

Then what are you talking about dude? They’ve been buffing classes this entire xpac.

Tunings could be in prep for class sets that are apparently returning, we all know that tier sets can make or break a spec or even skyrocket a spec.

I don’t care about the new conduit!

Just make the poor eyeball good! D:<

So are you referring to your dh or what?

Warlocks. Don’t worry, they’re still competitive for top 5 dps slots in the game, but they’re not quite as mandatory in RBGs and Mythic raiding… They’re just mandatory, not super mandatory.

Don’t tell them though, they think Sacro being gutted and MR being nerfed is the apocalypse.

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do you know how much effort and time it would take to buff every single class to where the top classes stand? That’s balancing 15+ specs, as well as their each individual borrowed power systems. If anything, that would make the class balance even more of a sht show. Nerfing a single spec is much more easier, and predictable.

Ps: i suggest you to think all the way through when you keep complaining about everything this game has to offer. Think about why the devs did that they did.

Proper balance requires both buffs and nerfs.

Developers have limited amounts of time to work on class balance. For the sake of round numbers, let’s say there are 30 specs. If 26 of those specs are performing in the way you want compared to the content, but 4 specs are performing way above those specs, you have a few options:

  1. You can buff 26 specs, then also buff ALL of your content because you were happy with how those specs were performing, so if you buff them you’ve just effectively nerfed all of your content.
  2. You can nerf the 4 specs at the top. This requires no change to the content, since these specs were outperforming anyways, so it’s fine.
  3. You can just ignore it entirely and assume it will shift when new content comes out.

Option 3 obviously takes the least development time, but creates the worst player experience.

Option 1 takes by far the most development time, but does avoid players feeling frustrated about nerfs. However, it also forces everyone to re-learn content because the numbers have all changed, which can contribute to a different type of player burnout. This can be particularly problematic if you do this during the progression phase of the content, because this type of thing can vastly upset the races for world firsts. There’s one more cost to this… and that’s power creep. If you just keep buffing everyone always, you end up with Diablo 3 style power levels where everyone’s doing billions of damage and enemy health bars become so big it just feels stupid.

Option 2 is a happy medium. It avoids some of the re-learning, since it is only adjusting a few specs, and it takes less development time. It does cause some frustration, but that is the type of trade-off that can often feel worth it. And it also keeps power-creep in check, slowing the rate at which you careen towards needing another stat squish.

In the end, most development decisions(and this applies to almost every game, not just wow) often come down to simple cost/benefit analysis. Developers have limited time and resources, and have to be efficient with what they do. So, if most of your specs are performing where you want them, then the logical thing to change is the outliers - whether that be one or two overperforming, or one or two underperforming. If most specs are not performing where you want them, then you may need to make some tweaks to your content, or possibly increase stats on items, etc. But regardless, you can bet they’ll usually take the approach that causes the least disturbance, because that’s just the smart way to do it.

Honestly, the best option is for Blizzard to sit down and actually fix the issues with the specs and set their playstyle in stone. Stop bandaiding the broken parts of our specs with borrowed power, stop re-crunching specs every xpac and just let them breathe. Fix the base specs, then use borrowed power to add flavor to the spec. The further you build on the unstable foundations that are specs, the harder it is to straighten them up later.


The only thing worse is Bliz taking so long to get nerfs/buffs out.

It took till 9.1 to balance a few classes and still need more done but that will prob be another 6 months before they get around to adjusting those other classes.

They do this so you spend time leveling ever class to max level and then have to gear them when you switch for the meta. It’s been their Modus Operandi for awhile now.

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The real problem honestly is the mass discrepency caused by pvp gear imo. As alot of the balancing seems to be around the pvp side of things than the pve side of things and as it stands, people with high rating pvp gear just dominate every one else to the point that a character in maxed covenant set can be one or two tapped by a character in maxed pvp set, even if they are the same class (in this case, hunter)

Ferals are not “great”. It’s not even “good”.

Feral has to work 2x for 1/2 the results.

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