Blizz classic team my beta vanished

if that applied here then u have to acknowledge that they gave me a beta then deleted it or y would I be getting a update for the pvp que?

Can you go and post on the Beta forum? You can only post there if you’re meant to have access right?

I got ya mad, we all disapointed bro. But why u care so hard for blizz having to say sorry to u. :sob:

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Yes and no I have access yet don’t have beta.

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Because the launcher is set to auto update? I’m not sure I understand. The game did an update when they did the WSG/honor update as well, are we all supposed to be invited based on that assumption?

I can post on the beta forum and I don’t have access. I don’t know what causes it. I think being on the stress test let me post there, and it didn’t show up until I relogged. I don’t think we’re supposed to though.

I didn’t ask them to say sorry they made a mistake and either those who made toons should have access cause its their bad or they can at least Acknowledge it instead of tryin to pretend it didn’t happen they are not gona be sorry and im not asking them 2 be but I would like it if they didn’t try to hide it

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Thats what they did for the stress test issues wasnt it? How is this different?

They’ve handled this beta incredibly poorly so far, no argument there. But you shouldn’t expect anything from them. Everytime the “stress test” accidentally appears in someones launcher its, “WTF!? I should get access because I got tricked!” and the answer is the same each time. Not to mention it’d be even more unfair to give access to people (that aren’t supposed to have it) simply because of a bug.

Aha, so this is all about U…

no this is all about anyone who saw it and said omg I made it in and loged in made a toon did some quests then it dced after like 2mins and then it was gone

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Not necessarily. They are still handing out Beta invites and in our case we made characters and were in game. When stress test had issues did they or did they not extend those stress testers?

Do u get this is a beta? A place where things go wrong. U can’t hold them accountable for making mistakes during the beta, thats pathetic. :nauseated_face:

and FURTHERMORE don’t tell me their fair and u earn them Pokimane got a invite and she as far as I can tell is not a long time account holding active wow member so that argument is irrelevant

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She’s a streamer, you’re not, so you’re irrelevant. How do you compare to her in regards to marketing, which was specifically what her invite was for?

Where did I ever make this argument are u delusional too?

Ah a streamer boot licker too. Shouldnt you be making Asmongold call out threads

It’s just a fact, kid.

LOL streamers getting access cause their streamers not because they care or the game and plan to test is the stupidest argument uve made ;p I know people w.o it who make youtube vids been on wow since day 1 and didn’t get it so shove that nonsense

You’re operating under the assumption you were meant to have beta access. If that is true then sure, you should get the option back. But if you weren’t meant to have an invite and it was an error, then there is no reason you should get one now because of a glitch in the system.

I do think they should come out and clear the air and admit it was a bug. It seems this has happened to a fair amount of players to warrant a response.


Whatever you say, junior