I really feel talent point starved. My spec tree looks like the charlie brown christmas tree compared to the trees of my other healers.
Give us another talent point, make thriving veg one point instead of two and it would make my whole heart soar.
- Update outdated Tree of life Incarnation model or add glyph with model update
- Flourish baseline
- Revamp the Invigorate spell
- Merge Improved Wild Growth and Unstoppable Growth
- Add 1-2 useable talent points by getting rid of some 2/2 spec options like Regenesis or/and Thriving Veg.
I feel like I see a lot of these types of posts, and a lot of the time the OP or in this case the post above mine by Fungalbark seem to not understand just how much power they’re asking for. They want like 4 existing talent points just GIVEN to them baseline and then ADDITIONALLY want existing 2pt nodes to go down to 1pt. It’s like, think about what we’re asking for here ppl. Blizzard is not going to just give Resto Druids like 6-8 talent points worth of power in a hotfix, that is completely unreasonable.
I’m not saying that our Spec tree is fine as is though, and our Class tree is CERTAINLY no where close to “fine”. But when it comes to our spec tree I think a LOT could improve just on moving around some nodes similar to what Boomkins got in 11.0.5. I’ve not put a TON of thought into this but I know for me personally and the specs I like to run the BIGGEST pain point is being forced to take the “Verdancy” node if I want to go directly into “Master Shapeshifter”. I consider Master Shapeshifter a pretty much mandatory node, maybe I’m a bad player and manage my mana poorly but I feel like Resto Druids have historically had mana issues and this new talent was a godsend but it feels so inaccessible currently. I would personally prefer for it to get swapped with the “Spring Blossoms/Overgrowth” node but if they swapped “Verdancy” and “Rampant Growth” that could work as well. I feel like “Rampant Growth” is just such a more generally applicable talent that I’m not gonna feel too bad about picking up no matter what build I go. Whereas “Verdancy” only really feels good to me if I’m going down to the “Undergrowth” talent for the 2 lifeblooms and pairing it with Photosynthesis for the extra blooms and possibly with “Tranquil Mind” and “Budding Leaves”. So in other words “Verdancy” is not very flexible IMO and kind of 'locks" you in to a certain type of build that “Rampant Growth” doesn’t.
Speaking of “Budding Leaves” that’s the other switch I would do to make it more accessible I’d swap it with the “Embrace the Dream/Invigorate” node. Reasoning for this one is that the “Call of The Elder Druid” is kind of a dead talent IMO, apparently Blizzard also thinks so to a certain extent as they are seeing fit to buff it on Tuesday. But even if the buff does get it to a decent level I think the “Doing damage to heal” thing is kind of a niche thing that has not been a part of the Resto Druid identity and I don’t see it catching on, at least I’m not at all interested in it. So with that being the case you can only get down to “Budding Leaves” from the left side “Tree of Life/Convoke” node. If you swapped it with the “Embrace the Dream/Invigorate” node then you could come at it from the “Tree of Life/Convoke” node on the right OR the “Spring Blossoms/Overgrowth” node on the left. So more options to get down to it. Regarding the “Embrace of the Dream/Invigorate” node I’m pretty sure both of those are just completely dead talents, none of the builds that I run use them and I’ve never seen any other Resto Druids running either of them, MAYBE Invigorate in PvP but probably not even. So moving this node over to where “Budding Leaves” is now in that less accessible position would be not as much of a pain since you wouldn’t care to get to those talents anyways.
Again, these are just the things that immediately pop out to me, I’ve not put a MASSIVE amount of thought into this. But the point I’m wanting to get across, to you guys I guess, but mainly to the Blizz class balance or the Resto Druid design team is that we don’t necessarily need to be given a whole bunch of power via making existing talents baseline or reducing 2pt nodes down to 1pt, we could just shuffle the existing talents around a bit to facilitate certain builds a bit better. Or make some of the known talents that are more desirable put in easier to access locations and moving some of the weaker talents/less popular talents to those harder to get to/frustrating to get to areas of the tree.
We dont have enough GCDs or spare talent points for call of the elder druid. Would be nice to play with… but I cant afford it.
Never said 4 talent points should be given to us, nor 6-8 should be freed up. I gave a simple list of possible changes to the class tree that are currently needed. Any one of them could be a place to look at to improve the glaring issues of point starvation the resto druid tree has. And if you did thorough research, I’ve explicitly stated just 1 talent point extra would go a long way. One. Flourish is hard to reach. Most builds don’t take tranquility for a reason. That is 2 cooldowns gone/near gone. What is left? Invigorate? Wowzers. We rely on convoke another expansion I guess?
Of course I’d love a dozen extra talent points. But really I’d be happy to just have ONE more talent point, so that I didn’t have to choose between Forest’s Flow and 2/2 Thriving Vegetation.
1, I repeat, -ONE- extra talent point would solve a lot of issues already. It’s too cluttered. It wouldn’t make the spec more OP it would just give us different playstyle choices. A lot of what you have to pick up is “required” as is.