Blizz, can spriest get in on double Lego’s?

Representation doesn’t equal strength. The entire brackets screwed up anyway because a number of people know their class is weak until they get 4 piece and aren’t bothering to really push until then.

Spriest is fine and will continue to be fine. Your damage on the ptr with 4 set and even a non dps leggo is still great and viable, you just need to learn to play around what you got.

I completely agree, but ‘fine’ and ‘insane’ are two different things. Just saying.

Having strong damage, team utility, survivability and instant set up with stun and silence is insane. Don’t nitpick wording. Anyone who plays spriest who tries to say spriest isn’t insane as either necro or night fae is trolling.

Necro damage is completely counterable by a single disease cleanse in a ladder where hpriest is 22% rep. Not a single priest is above 2.4 as night fae. I’d love to see your main to get some perspective on where this opinion is coming from.

We’ve reached peak hypocrisy now.

Low lvl alts asking other low lvl alts to post on their mains…
Imagine how much less annoying this forum would be if you had to post on your main. (or if Cogshanks was still a thing).


Blessed alt poster.

Yeahhhh I feel what you’re saying, except that the statistics support what i’m saying and go against what he’s saying. So I’m just curious.

Cover your go’s with a cc.

Stahp regularly runs night fae spriest on ladder, wizk and pretty much all the spriest in the awc are running night fae right now.

Yep, and Stahp hasn’t hit 2400 this seas. Him and I have a similar season record on the same spec. And AWC night fae picks are only in to certain comps. It’s much different than farming the ladder.

Not saying he isn’t great, btw.

Sp 4 set is dogwater and not worth running. Where is this lvl 10 classic poster getting his info from lmao

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Almost like things change alot when 4 set is actually out and people who know how to test this are already making changes to adjust for it.

I don’t know what on earth your smoking to think that’s the case. It’s absolutely good and your trolling not running it especially when you can still get ideal stat weights with it on anyway.

Oh yeah they’ll change, and spriest 4 set is one of the most lackluster of them all, lmao. You’re clearly the type of guy who watches things and thinks he knows them, but doesn’t actually participate in them and has some skewed alternate universe perception of them.

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4 set is 4.5% of his damage. You lose ~6% vers at max gear levels to equip it. Can you explain in your level 10 classic wow poster logic how that’s worth equipping again?

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The problem with the 4pc and where blizz went wrong is they used it to prop-up shadows garbage aoe damage. It’s been it’s weakness all SL for pve.

The spell was originally single target then they made it an aoe and thus had to nerf it by 40% before 9.2 released. They should just buffed searing nightmare/mind sear instead. Hopefully they get rid of SN and dark thoughts mechanic in 10.0, so mindblast can go back to being a nuke.

Now that worlds race is over, time for tuning pass blizz.

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I mean it’s one of your best covenants, has insane synergy with assa rogue

They went NF this week to boost their partners dps(you know a class with real killing potential dps), because spriest isn’t keeping up with everyone else’s power increase. Because as I’ve stated our legendaries are garbage. It’s no coincidence they made the switch the week when double leggos was available to everyone. They quickly relalized if they hadn’t yet, damn all our stuff sucks. Making lemonade out of lemons

It’s like being brought to a group or raid just to give power Infusion to a lock and watching him destroy/kill in raids. Wanna know the personal satisfaction spriest players when they get assigned that duty? Not much.

And Ill answer your follow-up point that you will probably make, “well spriest are a utility spec or bring great utility”. Well wars are on par with spriests for utility, but they also bring stupid damage like 35k executes, 25k mortal strikes, good sustain, etc. so the utility aspect isn’t enough or justifiable excuse anymore.

Along with having 3/4 covenants available for pvp and multiple legendaries.

shadow is in this super cool spot where it has no good second lego to go with unity and no good set bonus, but at least its base design is solid for arenas

mask away the pain of having no new toys tho…

I really just hate the fact that the Mindgames version of Unity is so freaking awful…

I’m cool with having basically support legendaries like Dbl PI, b/c Spriests (and hybrids in general) have historically been amazing support classes.
I don’t want to be just a crappier version of mage/lock with Shadowform.
I enjoy’d being a mana battery in TBC, I enjoyed having really good offheals in MoP/WoD (RIP Renew/Flash heal/Prayer of Mending).

Edit - Our 2 piece tier is amazing btw. Combine the 40% chance for instant cast Mblast from Dev Plague, with the MBlast conduit (10% chance after Mblast to get a free Dev Plague) you can become a literal proc machine gun, with lucky rng.

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pallid command (necro unity) is strong, but it did get nerfed by 40% and then unholy nova STILL cost 25% of our mana so it’s pretty unfort.

i like double PI too. if they kill off demo/destro, i may run it with aff.

also i like how shadow has had comparatively weak offheals compared to any other spec with offheals. so much so that during the big offheal nerf, shadow was more or less the only hybrid spec left untouched.

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