Blizz, Add the BoA Medal of Honor to the Vendor

I love the new gearing, it’s phenomenal. Take it that final step further for alt friendly-ness. I love getting a BoA honor token to send to my alt to gear them now and then but it’s rare. I have some toons I don’t enjoy BGs on, I’ve got some I do, this is a great item.

Please, add the Medal of Honor 160 honor BOA token to the honor vendor. Make it cost something like 200 honor? 240 honor? Something like that.

Oh if you have the time plez add some honor sink like crafting mats/consumables/etc. It’s hard to stay financially stable as a pvper, but we do still need to cover repair costs, enchants, etc.


ngl id be fine with it costing like 400 honor even
it has enormous qol potential and all blizzard needs to do is pop it in on a vendor
could even make it cost like 5 marks or something


Yeup. I love BGing on my ele/enh sham even if it dies when an insect touches its big toe, but I honestly hate BGs on my war/spriest/lock/etc. It wouldn’t hurt the market, it wouldn’t hurt BG balance, it would actually help use some of the excess honor, and technically it would increase time spent in game.

If it takes me say 6-10 hours to farm a full set of honor gear on a character I don’t enjoy farming on but instead I do it on an alt I ENJOY playing it will take 16-20 hours because I’m converting it to tokens to send over AND I’ll have much more fun. Increased player experience, increased time spent, we ALL win.


Agree. This is why I queue specific BGs when I feel like practicing very specific things. I get less Honor (takes longer time, but I’m having way more fun so I don’t mind it)

Different topic:
Buff XP gains in BGs to be much closer to Dungeon levels. If I could level faster I’d pvp so much more while levelling. Getting 1 shot when 8 levels below would feel worth it. Every time ^^

Yes please.

This is a good idea. Hard to find any arguments against it. Make it a 1:2 cost ratio. I’d GLADLY do this all the time.

Is there any source of honor that doesn’t count towards honor level? I imagine the issue they’d run into with this item is people buying it, using it, buying another, etc, and just kind of cranking honor levels out of thin air.

Damn it, Kennie!

Somebody mentioned it before and I guess that’s why we don’t already have them on vendors. Maybe if there were some way to prevent the honor gained by using the item from counting towards overall honor level score.

Isn’t honor level pretty much a dead measurement since legion introduced it?

I pay no attention to it at all. It gives random relatively garbage mounts every now and then but I don’t think they’ve touched it in at least 5 years.

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why does honor level matter

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Just pointing out why they likely haven’t, not why they shouldn’t. :dracthyr_tea:

i need to get my honor level up like 7 levels to get the final appearance for the pvp artifact.

It’s pretty quick to get honor level up if you’re doing a spread of stuff. Daily wins are nice and efficient.

i would rather be thrown out a window then queue an epic bg as a melee ~_~

Even if it costed 500 honor, would still be worth it.

That way you can avoid the times where you get one team that just has no gear yet and get steamrolled by the team that does

Edit: I’m dumb marks of honor are trash. Got them confuzzled

5 marks of honor. Not the boa honor currency.

Just kill over-extended players… and be sure that you’re not one of them. Hangin’ with the DKs helps. Watch for stealthies hitting up your back-line. You could also swap to Tank spec and be a complete nuisance - and, in some cases, the MVP (due to PVE bosses in IoC, AV, and Ashran).

It’s really not as bad as you think it is.

No way. I’m playing around on my war and it’s comical. You pop all offensive, all defensives, charge in, spear, bladestorm. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR DAMAGE

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