Below a certain rating, like 2k, can you add some sort of in game optional notification for when you are line of sight of your healer or they go into a full crowd control
The most frustrating experience in no voice solo shuffle is when your dps goes out of your range/line of sight, and some training wheels in pvp would be healthy to attract new players
There’s a weak aura for this
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Is there? I was just going to post saying I’m surprised there isn’t a WA yet!
Man, I should really get some of those for pvp.
There is one for healer cc. I assume line of sight hasn’t been implemented ?
But my point is there needs to be some pvp training wheels for lower MMR by default, like side barriers in bowling. To let people get into it.
Oh ya, actually you’re right, it just tells you CC and if you’re out of range of your healer, not LOS. You’re also right that a lot of these add-ons/weakauras should just be incorporated into the game. It blows my mind how something as crucial as CC DR timers aren’t yet (as a low hanging fruit example)
See above, I was kind of wrong, but it still is really helpful if you’re kinda mongo and tunnel vision-y (basically me). It’s just called “Healer CC”
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Won’t really do much. If they’re under 2k that means their overall ability to position is probably pretty poor. You need to follow them, or learn how to carry those games because that’s the fun of solo shuffle.
It’s like having a weak aura that tells you you’re standing in fire, then you move out of the fire to die to some other mechanic in PvE. The issue here is not understanding the mechanics and weak auras won’t teach you that.
Always a fun decision to make
-healer in the middle of the map, getting cc’d into next week
-other DPS is off in Africa popping all his CD’s into a healer he has no chance of killing
-enemy DPS trying to kill you
Do you:
A) stand there and take it on the chin, let Jesus take the wheel and hope for a miracle
B) try to LOS the other team’s DPS, but at the same time LOS your healer and probably die from rot damage
Idk, I play shaman I can heal myself.
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No amount of addons will stop me from leaping across the map and charging behind the pillar. If I die, you get the slurs. That’s a you problem.
Been saying this
Wouldn’t even need anything crazy. Nameplate could highlight red or yellow if out of range or out of los, green if in range/in los.
Just being able to see teammates on the minimap would go a long way even
Fury warrs would ask for a weakaura that disables it 
If a healer isnt pushing with both dps in the early game and someone dies from it 100% the healers fault. Esp in shuffle you should be pushing in asap to provide pressure that every healer can achieve so that your 2nd set of cds you send that pressure and win.
I hate it when the healer is trying to line cc and then gets baited out of los and Stun locked.
Can we get an addon for that too?
I’d also like an addon that tracks cc that went undispelled for more than 1.5 seconds while their dispel is off cd.
Can we track that too? 
The amoung of games ive had to stand in the middle of the arena getting CC’d into next week while DPS are splitting on opposite sides of the map is rediculous.
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My example was from a dpsbrain perspective, but it’s definitely not always just the healer’s fault lol
Although I see it from both sides, I usually main healers and still find myself complaining about stuff that isn’t 100% the healer’s fault when playing DPS.
To be fair though, positioning probably is the hardest part about arenas. Until this season, I hadn’t played arenas/retail since BFA, and was like 1700 hard stuck until I started consciously thinking “why am I here? Where should I be? Where should I go next?” Etc and basically flew up to 2200 overnight, without really changing anything else in how I was playing. Watching a few game recordings back was leaving me physically cringing from how bad my positioning was, but in the moment I wasn’t even thinking about the fact that I was dragging my healer into terrible spots and putting him into damned if you do, damned if you don’t situations (same when playing healer, putting myself into bad spots to be cc’d/swapped to). Skills/game knowledge that I guess I took for granted when I was playing before at higher ratings, and maybe was just muscle memory that I forgot sometime in the last 5+ years
And a 6 hour deserter buff if you average less than 1 per round
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I really think we need to stop incentivizing/rewarding players who don’t use their kits correctly.
99.9% of the rewards in the game are freely obtainable by waiting until the next tier/expansion and turning your brain off.
It’s okay have to do things semi-correctly sometimes to be successful.
You’re right, now carry my healer to glad. Thanks.
Blizzard are very conscious of not breaking the immersion and creating UI features for the hardcores.
This will likely never happen. Learning is core to the WoW experience and if anything, blizz will tone down the UI APIs, rather than make some baseline to the default UI.