yeah this was my exact experience pretty much non-stop queueing all day the last couple days starting in late morning/early afternoon. The effect cascades hard too because your team is getting balanced with on average lower mmr/lower skilled players, and while the system might think it balances out, it definitely does not, so you end up losing even more.
I was on the opposite receiving end of this while climbing, but still seemed wrong either way.
I have given up on blitz. I’m an okay player but just can’t climb out of 1400-1600 mmr on several toons. Feel like I have very little agency and just don’t want to keep sitting in queues when I can get the results I want from 2’s or shuffle.
My healers I either do 2’s or shuffle for 1800. My recent DPS are just shuffle. No clue what I’ll do next season but just don’t feel like blitz is worth it, personally
It’s weird, the lower you go, the greater oppurtunity you have to showcase your ability… BUT it’s incredibly more random and you’re lucky to get a full group that even knows what’s happening. The low blitz queues are pretty brutal.
I recently got some gear on my resto druid and decided todo a few. One of the most awful experiences I have had in wow and I’m not being hyperbolic.
Take notice. My entire team was sitting at a node that… already capped. Not just for a small amount of time either. Enough for the other team to cap both bases AND get the flag. I then said something and their response…
Imagine that. My healing is low because I had no one to heal. No one switched bases and not only that, they were mad I said anything. Seriously can’t make this stuff up.
You’re almost completely at the mercy of your team.
Had a Mistweaver tell me to sit stables instead of spin mid then when they lost it 2 minutes in they asked me why I only had a million healing done. As the tank. Sitting my node. That they told me to sit at.
I’ve literally grown up in this game. Sure, I don’t play a lot, but here I am anxiously hoping that in this season’s chaotic random solo brackets I can finally add a Grand to my Marshal achievement from over a decade ago, because I’ve decided it will be somehow redemptive (like the new red enchant which atm I’m not even using) and that I REALLY want the Tabard and feel FOMO and that it will somehow grant me a sense of achievement, closure, or even vengenace at my younger self…??? NANI?
What am I doing with my life man. Ruining my sleep schedule.
Why are we here?
I could have spent all this money on therapy or my library xD
or time actually trying to get a life outside of work, or now academia, which I despise.
Let alone social skills. Yup, too late for that.
Woah. I think I’ve awakened before Azeroth did.
Do I get an achievement now…? Something for beating the lore to its conclusion?
“Surprise this is how much money and time you spent” ~The Last Titan final boss Bobby.
Yeah I’m done defending the game and wasting any more time on these forums.
I will try to get my ranks, but if I don’t… I might finally be able to let this addiction go?!
Yeah I tried healing blitz on my rdruid after or right around when I got 1800 in 2’s and lost the first 2 matches and was just stuck in sub 1300 lobbies where people were in full greens just running around aimlessly. Stopping queueing after that
It’s definitely rough. I didn’t start that early and had a great win rate starting off, but then got stuck around 1750 cr/mmr for around 100-150 games.
Eventually though at some point, I believe I won around 9 games in a row and about 14 out of 16 games within a few days, this gradually shot me up to 2400+ mmr, at which point I started going about 50-50 for the longest time, peaking around 2800-2900 mmr, which was great because I couldn’t lose points for losses due to my cr being so low at the time.
Then within this last week, granted I lost 3 or so in a row and started going sub 50% win rate, I began a death spiral where pretty much all of my games were 200-350 mmr below my cr, and these lobbies typically had me 200-400 cr higher than anyone else in the lobby.
This felt horrible as every win was +0 cr and every loss was about -15.
After thinking about it, I benefited quite a bit from this flawed system too due to a long win streak (e.g., felt great on the opposite end where I could never lose points), but ngl the cr death spiral felt pretty brutal.
It probably takes better players a lot less games, but it took me 190+ games to reach 2400, and another 50+ games to get the Strategist title, so in total I’ve played 251 games this season.
That’s a lot of time commitment and grind, but I sincerely believe that any strong rival-weak duelist player can achieve Elite via blitz (for this season at least, probably will be harder next season since Grand Marshal won’t be a motivation for many next season), IF you have the time and are willing to grind out games until you eventually have a great day with a solid win streak.