Blitz: "It's unranked stop complaining"

With everyone fighting in mid Warsong Gulch as I had flag in our room last 20 seconds before a R drood dashed in to steal ours.

Having to PvP your own team gets old.


bg blitz is wild mane

ive seen some stuff. i really wish this game mode gave u an option to avoid a player or two.

mages that refuse to use their time warp is my biggest issue… like they flat out tell you NO THEY R NOT USING IT… im like… ugh… screw u buddy guess ill just afk until next game im a healer anyways i get insta q.

another thing that sucks is those pve kids that come into the bg with all their crappy pve gear… they have no hp and no tribnket bonus… they do no damage and they just flop…

that’s Rated Random BG’s. Same difference :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s seems to only be a mage issue . Shamans always lust so do Evokers

Yeah it does get old telling people to Lust in the opener

Most of time I have token BM hunters do it for us

nope. not for me.

they r just as bad. it sucks

even when i ask nicely

“hey man, you have a buff called bloodlust and it will give our ENTIRE TEAM a GIANT HASTE BUFF for 40 SECONDS!!!”

everyone with dragonflight gear is scaled up to 511 ilvl which means they probably have 1.2 mil with everyone else having 1.4 with the trinket bonus. locks are more like 1.6 mil?
on the other hand no vers does very often = flop.

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yep. they might have almost the same HP, but if they r lacking in vers, dont have trinket bonus and generally no idea how to play… its like the ultimate trifecta for creating a useless teammate that does nothing

ILvL in Competitive Games is stupid and Blizz refuses to unchange it and keep pandering toward gatekeepers who ironically want PvP separated from PvE – but also demand we keep Gear prog in PvP. Just to mash new players/alts all season in random modes while begging for more players to participate and crying why there is no participation.

Straight from various friends mouth mid season every season: “I don’t feel like grinding uphill”

Yes we’re already at point in blitz its 1.2m vs 1.6m hp players.

Anyways, someone pm’ing me not to sweat a 20 minute game by throwing it is petty.

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gear progression in wow pvp means to cap conquest every week insuring people who have the ability to play more dont max out the first day. the carrot must always be at the end of the stick. fortunately for all of us rated content isn’t required to get bis. just time.

People are still learning. I had a mage grab flag in eots and sat at a node that doesn’t spawn.
But when it goes rated everyone will end up in the right brackets. New or not as skilled players will end up below 1600 and so on and so forth. So if you play at a higher level you will be matched against and playing with similair players.

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I can’t do the “lulz unrated idc if you don’t get conquest/ quest prog/ honor” attitude pming unprovoked.

Yes this actually being a rated mode couldn’t be wished sooner.

WoW pvp community is the worst, pvp your own team

i just did a bg blitz and my team didnt go for the enemy flag carrier a single time ( not a singlke player)

i asked so nicely in the chat so many times

i had the enemy flag and i was on point rdy to cap… i look at map and they are going the wrong way… not even trying to go the direction of the EFC…

god… how tilting…

Why do PvE players do blitz anyway? Is it just to finish the quest or something?

i swear my experience has been where half the team plays worse then bots , ik healing gets instant qs but good lord sometimes

Then they can send you unprovoked harassing tells.

Heaven forbid we actually try for conquest.

eh just ignore them let them be unhappy tbh

The minimum to join blitz should be both pvp honor trinkets. You can get that in one epic BG win. There is no reason for anyone to be in blitz without that as a minimum.

Absolutely stupid game design as usual. And the devs had plenty of time to think this stuff out when blitz was unrated.

Question to 2k+ MMR in Blitz, did your MMR carry from Season 3 to Season 4?

I’m currently around 1800 and I’m wondering if season 1 of TWW will be influenced by our current mmr.