Blitz is like old epics

get sr or gg…get hangar or gg…go into a fight in blitz and im healing all these players and no one is dying and 30 seconds into the match and its gg. literally…no point. no one knows how to global and kill a healer. i literally just pull out of combat and go cruising around the map. once i floated for like 2 mins straight off the map in eots lol i dont even care! literally 30 seconds and its a gg. i aint even mad about it but its super messed up. epics used to be like that. not sure if they still are

You are at 141 matches played with a 41% win rate my man. I have to be honest, you are playing with people of equal skill to yours. Find ways to make a difference and improve, you will climb.

bro i got to 1600+ when the gates opened and then i just said f it when i realized they had the mmr pinched off. i literally leave half the games i play i dont care about win loss. nothing to do with exp or skill atm

This couldn’t be further from reality mmr is already at the brink of 3k in bg blitz and has been running wild since release. Good players are climbing very easily.

you need a better mentality.

so if nobody can properly setup on healers, why are you playing in your safe space in fights instead of riding the line and baiting enemies.

Its crazy ingames where you can tell the healer has the highest map iq but they literally just follow the script instead of adapting for the underlings on both teams. Same crap happens if you play mm, everyone charges you at first notice so obviously you can just sit in your safespace and trade damage for heals, but its much more fruitful to just bait the warrior into a chase, which cause the big brain healer to follow, which enables a setup, which because both teams are dogwater causes a healer death. You’re not going to see triple cross cc healers getting globaled under 2k

Before legion, healer dies in a single stun if they did have trinklet. Healer are too powerful this game

healer power is fine in bgs, of all things, the thing that sucks is their range of influence. There’s little benefit playing a resto druid when your niche of healing targets who over extend is completely negated by the fact monks can just brrr around and still spot heal the other side of the fight. At least against pres you can sort of corner the entire fight and pick off people on the outskirt.

Dk popularity harms what I mentioned above since you see less dives and more pulls, which just enables poor healer positioning since they can just turret on their determined hill.

This is either a troll post or some one with a complete lack of self awareness. The fact that they think there is a cap on Blitz mmr makes me think troll. You can literally see the ladder with people in the 2800’s on it.

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