Very simply - Can we get the range on this increased to 40-60yds?
The fundamental problem is that this is primarily intended for Tanks, with the soft-auto-targeting going for Target of Target. The issue is that Tanks are typically, especially in raiding, standing on the opposite side of a boss who may have a 5-15yd diameter. So to reliably cast on a Tank, you need to stand at 10-15yds, not 25. This is amplified a bit by the standard range indicator not applying when your Target of Target is out of range, even though the cast will error.
I feel like 60 is pretty extreme but I agree it at least needs an extra ten yards to account for tank positioning vs our max range.
I can’t see any harm in letting this ability have a 40 yd range.
I don’t feel like every inconvenience has to be addressed for ease of play.
Wait, people are using auto-targeting instead of manual targeting?
There are times where auto targeting is much better than manual targeting (when first freehold boss targets someone to blast) and a few others–assuming you have molten blood talented.
Mainly, I use a focus macro in dungeons or mouseover macro.
Same here, I’ve moved my 5 man party bar right over my spells/under my character on screen for ease of mouseover-ing scales on my party members. Definitely prefer this way now that I’ve got more aug practice.