Blind accessibility. Delvs

Hi all

So this is a bit of a preemptive post on delvs but I thought i would get it out there as my time on the council maybe finishing soon, it’s also to get it seen whilst delvs are in development. With delvs being in development and that we haven’t played with them yet in any form my points will be broad spectrum with no specifics.

What I understand about delvs so far is that they are follower content that you can do solo or with others, they are Indiana jones/lara Croft style adventure instances and they are a alternative to M+, correct me if I’m wrong.
Given this my request to the devs is that they take into mind accessibility for blind and VI players in the development. I’ll clearly state this for clarity, accessibility does NOT mean easy and I do not advocate for a reduction in difficulty at all. The accessibility I’m asking for in delvs is as follows. The ability to queue or access delvs is accessible, followers within delvs are either followable or interactable, mechanisms in delvs are interactable using either the interact key or the extra action button, mechanisms within delvs are labeled correctly so that soft targeting and TTS are able to pick up and read back, any puzzle mechanism is able to be navigated using the keyboard and that parts within the puzzle are labelled and read out by TTS. If all the aspects of delvs are accessible to us through keyboard navigation and TTS then we will learn what’s needed to complete them at increasing difficulty.

In my post before last I spoke of HC and mythic zeros being follower enabled, that combined with accessible delvs will provide a clear and accessible route of progression and gearing to blind and VI players that they can do solo, with each other or with people from their guild.