Blind accessability, pathfinder and bots

Hi all

Recently I’ve had several conversations about the accessability issues of dragon riding and what Ian said on the issue at the blizcon deep dive. We all agreed that the only logical reason blizzard lock a accessable form of flying behind pathfinder is due to bots, it’s the only thing that makes sense with Ian’s contradicting statement with DR accessability.

I guess pathfinder being there makes it not worth the time to reward for bot accounts and as such don’t bother.
My question/request to the devs is that if this is the case then could pathfinder become a one time unlock for the game instead of having to do it every single expansion, would this not achieve the same goal of detering bots? From what I can think this would still keep the barrier for bots but also massively reduce the gate keeping of a accessable form of flying to thoes of us who need it.