Blind accessability, 10.2.5 AI dungeons and NPC /follow

Hi all

Several people who assist with blind slash mapping tested the new AI dungeons on the PTR. They discovered that the AI had a toggle so that the AI NPCs could lead the way through the dungeon, this is unbelievably brilliant for blind and VI players. The only issue was that you are unable to /follow the NPCs, please can this be changed as this would open a whole new world to blind and VI players, especially thoes that don’t have sighted help.
Even for myself, who has sighted help, I would use this function a lot. Friends are not always on and some days we all just want to do our own thing, having the ability as a blind player to queue and run AI dungeons to level by myself would be amazing, please allow NPCs to be /follow.


I wouldn’t just limit it to dungeons but to exploration content (world).

If the game Forza Motor Sports managed to enable a blind person to drive a racing car, which is a much more dynamic game, then it is possible to reproduce something along these lines for blind people in World of Warcraft.

If necessary, i would also find assistance with the use of artificial intelligence to help these players.


True. Currently we use the addon blind slash for world navigation. If blizzard could implement navigation like this and then maybe use AI for the audio pathing to the selected destination then it would eliminate the requirement for people to need to painfully map the vast world.


There is another group of deaf players who also deserve attention.


I suggest either adding that video to my thread about Deaf accessibility, or create a separate thread. :slightly_smiling_face: Deaf players require entirely different accessibility options than blind players do — it’s the nature of deafness vs blindness.

Fun fact, that reaction features my sister. Normally she’s one of the last players standing, so of course in the fight they got it… she was dead. :rofl:

And wow, I’ve never thought about the fact that /follow doesn’t work on NPCs. You’re right, it’s a great idea; this would also enable blind players to do the many escort quests in the game!