Bliizard, you really need to get rid general chat

I’m not really interested in people’s opinions about this topic or me personally. The fact is that general chat is a huge problem in this game and really needs to be removed so no one can use it. Keep guild, and party chat, but this game can do without general chat. And because people are going to argue about this or against it. Lets look at the main fact, then break it down further.

Just about "98% of people in general chat ( I rounded that up) are not using it for it’s intended purpose anyway so general chat cannot even be justified as keeping. People will argue because they want a way to violate rules and be abuse. Everyone knows the chat is out of control so why band aid the situation, just get rid of the base problem.

Lets extend the problems in general chat covering more finite examples of why general chat needs to be removed.
There are a lot of Code of Conduct and TOS violations constantly taking place in chat which have several topics about them throughout the forum. Here are a few I found just on the first page I found more but I can only post 2 links)

Toxic Players
Use Of The N Word

Despite there being multiple rules in place, nothing is done to or about the people doing it. To further instigate problems, the system has no problem silencing people who are victims of RCR (Right click report) which blizzard employees never allow an appeal even when found nothing to be wrong.

Problem 2:
People being told to use ignore, leave the chat, RCR, is NOT A SOLUTION nor is it an excuse for people to justify continuing on disrupting chat. While the individual using ignore or leaving chat may not see the problem anymore, it doesn’t remove the individuals from the game who are pulling that crap. On top of that people will sit in chat telling everyone else to ignore an individual which is a major Code of conduct violation in itself not too mention harassment, but anyone who does ignore people will continue on and on for at least 15 minutes antagonizing the person they have on ignore by proceeding to have an entire conversation with others about that person and or use phrases like THEY’RE STILL GOING AT IT…

Problem 3:
There is no point in having a LFG channel when no one is using it, and when the people are told to use it, they start even more problems in the chat by the methods above. If someone uses FLG in general, then they’re misusing general chat, once that report goes through no investigation is needed, plain and simple they are guilty yet they do not have anything happen to them, yet someone pointing out they should be using the LFG channel gets mass RCR by those people and gets screwed while nothing happens to the people actually violating the rules 2 times, once for misuse of chat channel, and now the second one is being victimized by RCR.

Anyone who posts there is a major problem with certain aspects, usually gets mass RCR.

Between the rules for chat being ignored, consequences only being applied to victims of RCR, Anyone being disruptive and abusive is never held accountable, politics, racial comments, mother jokes, and the list goes on and on.

Why don’t you guys (Blizzard) just completely remove general chat altogether. it’s doing more harm than good.

Removal of general chat would not only cut down on tickets about people saying crap in chat, Tickets for RCR would also be cut down to almost nothing because if general chat was removed there would be nothing anyone can RCR someone for and the automated system wouldn’t unfairly silence people

Chat is beyond out of control and no one in chat is using chat properly anyway. but what’s worse Blizzard is you do not take action against the perpetrators.


No. Go away.


/World is the LFG channel apparently
theres LFG spam on there all the time


/leave general

its the first thing I do when I make a character and it makes life so much more peaceful.


So, I haven’t tried this recently, but isn’t it possible to unsub from the General Chat channel? And wouldn’t that make more sense than removing it for everyone just because you’re easily offended?


Leave general, don’t cry about it. Be mature enough to control yourself and not try to control others.


General chat is fine and has in fact been better than what it was back in the day.


Lmao how is general chat bullying real lol just leave the channel ahahahaha


Yes, see my comment above yours. There is no reason for Blizz to remove it when you can remove yourself.


Damn well said


Yeah, okay, I thought that was the case.

What in the wat, OP?

/1 General is fine on Mankrik. Even Barrens chat is tolerable a good bit of the time on Mankrik.

People use the LFG channel on Mankrik. Maybe you should leave Pagle and reroll over here. Sounds like we’re much more your speed.

1 Like

You already took the kids Karen… WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT???


an hour of DDOSing and all the trolls come crawling back out from under their rocks


Triggered much? You’re that 1% no one likes.


Too bad, you’re going to get them. You can literally type /leave general and you’ll be out of it. Stop trying to screw everyone else over when you have options available to you.

Really? Because general chat literally means GENERAL CHAT, people talking about anything. So idk where you’re getting 98% from but you’re out of your mind.

There’s ways to leave the chat, though. Grow up.

Uh, it actually is. Grow up.

So? If you don’t want to be around that even though It’s not happening to you anymore YOU need to leave the game.

Have you even tried using it? It’s being used 24/7. Quit trolling.


So many tears from OP


This is an absurd request. Just create a new chat window, set it to only whispers, and talk to yourself.


wow, you gotta love the attitude that comes to a place called the FORUMS, and prefaces a long-winded rant with not being interested in other people’s opinions.

It’s called the FORUMS by definition it’s a place for public discussion, if you just want to whine and not deal with contrary opinion then write a private ticket. Also, you can leave the general chat if you want.


Because it’s everyone elses job to PROTECT THE SNOW FLAKES