downloaded this game last night for free. It’s actually fun! Playing a crusader. Soooo much fun!
I was uncertain about it given the debacle of Bless Online. I’m even more disappointed that there is no sign of the two races I was looking forward to play with - The Iblis and Siren.
I heard that bless online was made by an entirely different company.
Something I noticed that was interesting is that Bless Unleashed is, at least so far, received pretty well in Japan. It’s not blowing up with a major playerbase or anything because PC gaming there is still nascent, but the reviews are generally positive. Of course over here in NA/EU, people are massively review bombing the game because of the original Bless, which everyone was eligible for a refund within a 1 month period IIRC because of how bad the situation was. I feel like many of them are just trolls and outrage addicts that weren’t personally impacted by the game.
But don’t misunderstand, I’m not saying the game is perfect or even great. I think it’s just… fine. It just annoys me when people make disingenuous reviews and then pretend they’re the righteous ones. It’s so egotistical.
I guess it won’t hurt to take both y’all words for it and give it a shot