There are specializations in the game that are completely defenseless against bleeds (death knights, warriors, warlocks), and there are those that are too protected, for example, a hunter in Surv spec which can remove all bleeds every 25 seconds (which is too strong).
Play assa rogue atm and I really feel uncomfortable since many classes and specs don’t stand a chance if they don’t have a healer.
It is necessary to make death knights, warriors and warlocks more protected first of all.
At least make Bitter Immunity (warrior) and Lichborne (dk) spells to dispell all bleed effects and maybe Demonic Healthstone use only for Warlocks too.
That is because everyone up to 2400 in shuffle usually sucks a lot and do no damage or CC and only knows how to use defensives because their weak aura tells them too. Dampening also starts instantly and ramps hard for shuffle.
Ya, I’m fairly certain the guy is a troll, but he could just be a casual gamer enthusiast who doesn’t really understand the game and wants to feel involved.
If tommorow Blizzard will add 100% heal in Vanish and 2nd charge of Evasion, you will just silently accept it, nodding, so you better keep quiet.
Your opinion, like mine or any other player here, does not matter to them and we will accept any crap that they will add in game, no need to pretend to be a smart guy, there are so many superior talents, OP talents or spells in the game and in particular in PVP, I’m just offering an idea for balancing.