Bleeding Hollow Horde Reconnections

So many Memories reading through the old guild names and seeing familiar players… I bet I’d even recognise some Alliance players from the BGs too

Decapitation - Tauren Shaman
Priestley - Undead Priest

Last vanilla raid guild - ECLECTIC MISFITS - Still have screenshots downing Onyxia

So you guys want OLD SCHOOL??

I was on Bleeding Hollow Day one November 23rd, 2004. I transferred to Mug’Thol maybe in 2007? I can’t remember. I haven’t played WoW in probably 11 years or so. I had to level a stupid character in retail to level 10 just to post to this forum.

Anyway, if you are truly old school Bleeding Hollow, you’ll remember WHITECROW. Undead Rogue. I was the guy that would bring my fellow hordes to massive cliffs in the world only to be mind controlled by my NE Priest friend in ventrillo with me. Good times.

Don’t remember? Take a refresher.

Biggest Noobs on Bleeding Hollow -

Whitecrow & Tacos MC Noobs Bleeding Hollow -

Seriously, it’s a blast from the past.


Name(s): Went by a few (Kadabra main)
Class/Race: Orc Warlock
Guilds I was in: Vae Victus, Team Awesome, Sock Puppets
Names I remember playing with: Anyone who PvP’d a lot, Crabbits, Deroth, Matzoball, Korben/Korgen (sp?), Aym, etc

Eclectic Misfists rocked :smiley:
Walkinundead - Undead Priest here

I use to play a Orc male hunter on bleeding hollow. Unfortunately, i do not remember my old guild name. I believe ourmain tank was named Bigelow. Could be miss remembering. I believe our main holy priest’s name was Val. We were all close until college got in the way. If you remember me then please hit me up.

Dornhammer - that guild before we made respec, cant remember its name, then respec, a bit of time in vae victus, tokugowa, SG.

ran with macklas HWL crew.

had hand of rag.

My god Drunk Diggins in MC was the best.

Some names I remember

Khundawg - Rogue
Bohr - Orc Warrior
Kohl - Tauren Shaman
UnholyCow - Tauren Shaman
Beafraede - Priest
Kylas - Mage
Thurbs - Druid
NapalmWeasel - Warrior (Zarins Brother)
Zarin - Warrior (Napalms Brother)
Dosko - Rogue
Loryn - Rogue
Alur - Priest (was a teacher, taught some of the kids in the guild)
Malacchai - Priest
Kirith - Rogue, but he was something else first if I recall. Maybe shaman/mage. Had a brother if I recall, cant remember who
Korvath - Druid
Skullscream - Warlock
Oathkeeper - Druid (Tank)
Croxe - Shaman
Grim____ - Was a warrior, was in Alur’s class I believe
Mutogra - Dude was like 12 when we started. Shaman

Dunbarose - Undead Warlock. Played with Redux.

Ill be there. ive got 2 toons named there already. Undead Mage named PyrØs and Orc Warrior named Meatplowe.

when you can shoot me your battle tag and discord info

Come on boys, we’re doin’ it

Battletag: HitmanZiti#1648 Hit me up when you can.

Whoops posted on wrong character. But just wanted to say that I’m super excited and really hoping more Respec/I Has a Bucket bros/broettes come back! If any of you guys know them, pass this along! <3

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Magezilla, Undead Mage of the guild Nightfall Bleeding Hollow.

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Just sent you a req from meatplow.

My character was a Tauren Shaman.
Name: Chaoticbull
Former guilds: Renegades, Angry Infidels.

I don’t know if any of you remember me, it was almost 12 yeas ago. Glad to see you all again! I may join Herod because some of my real life friends will play there.

Feel free to say hello! I play on Korgath right now as a paladin and druid.

Yay for accidentally deleting the first post (not quite awake yet).

I still show people the video of you explaining the difference between ham and Canadian bacon before a Twins pull in Sunwell. :rofl:

Hey Willzyxia!! I added you already. Dont remember my name on tribunal. Either damasscuss,zerach or spinuck. One of those. I have bigp and saela on friend list since we have kept some what in touch. Colombian mafia team here =D. Nice to hear from you again.

Haha I definitely remember you as Damasscuss and Spinuck!! Colombian mafia was OP! You guys planning to play classic at all? I’m on the West Coast of the US now, but send me a msg or something and let me know where you guys are playing! I’d love to play with as many of the old guildies as possible :stuck_out_tongue: