NOOOOOVVVVVVVVVV come back to us we’re rolling Horde again on Herod come by the channel my old raid leader! Miss you buddy
Heya Willzy, this is, ahem, as you put it, Fuzzyfeet’s brother (aka Supero). Sent you a friend request (Severe#1755). Good to see ya back!
Hello from 15 years ago.
Priest of SG. This same character, transferred from BH.
Hello, Tnytng! I was also in Gankers Inc. It was so long ago, I forget what my name was at the time but I remember I was a Troll Hunter.
I remember the names Pyros and Causticup for sure. I was Blackbull (warrior) and Brownbull (Shaman) and I was in the guild SG if I remember right. If anyone remembers those names give me a holler. Fond memories of PVP and MC/BWL/AQ era. Was absent most of naxx.
!!! Right, Macabre Crew, Vae Victus, Serious Business… was in all of it. Resto/Feral druid. Think I left after Cho’Gall transfer or so. What up Ataxxus? My tag is ChaoticFeral#1404
Anyone have eyes on Diggins? I need to see him wand down Ragnaros again.
Did we do more then T5/6 together I forget???
Hey Maxx, you guys headed to Herod? Would be cool to see you SDS guys in some wpvp and BGs again.
Pyros! Maxximus and I, along with a bunch of other Bleeding Hollow/ SDS originals are gonna jump on Herod as Horde if you want to join us there.
haha nope I think that was it, maybe a bit in wotlk when it came out? I forget. I stopped raiding after the old crew stopped, simply wasn’t the same. But I never quit WoW, just went hyper casual
@denke yes, we have a decent sized crew ready to go
you guys are planning on going to alliance? Would like to play w more old faces if possible
Add my tag regardless maxximus#1551
@blackbull I remember the name, hit me or melchia up for discord info
Yo - I used to run in SErious Business with CutesyButton(TehBeast). <-Galaxies (Mage).
PYKER - I definitely remember you - I Was Galaxies from Serious Business
Holy crap prettypanda - I Remember you. I was a mage in SeriousBusiness - Galaxies. Also had a shaman LowGAlaxyZ
Maxhatterlx - Tauren Shaman in Vanilla.
Madhatter - Orc Warlock
Started in Bloodforge Clan, then moved over to DIBT FAKK and raided with them.
TBC I was in DIBT FAKK and WeeR for the second half of WoTLK.
Looking for some old bros!
Yeah I’ll be Alliance. Most of the people from BH I’ve reconnected with look like they’re going Whitemane - Horde. Not sure if many others are going Herod. I’ll see you there though and add you in a bit.
Hai Galaxies, nice to see you again.
Tua - Troll Mage
My Toon was named wtfhappen and wtfhappened. Looking for my peeps.