Bleeding Hollow Alliance Reconnections

mazel was looking for you

I figure Mazel knew how to find me. Is there a consensus on which realm everyone is going to yet?

hi spure ;]

Name: Kodra
Class: Hunter
Race: Dwarf
Guild: Dissension

Crazy seeing so many people from BH back in the day!!!

Name: Whitecrow
Class: Rogue
Race: Undead

You’re not old school Bleeding Hollow unless you remember Whitecrow and Tacos teaming up together to take down hordies and mind control them off cliffs.


  2. How dumb was alliance on BH? This dumb.

Spure I message you on FB

Hey buddy. Farmerben the hunter here. My plan is to roll “Gran” Dwarf priest on Stalagg.

Name: Farmerben
Class: Hunter
Race: Night Elf
Guild: Blades of Penance
Looking for: BoP, Royal Militia, BH PVPers, old school ppl

I’ll be “Gran” Dwarf priest on Stalagg. Atisha#1741

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Hello there! I have good memories of old raids with you and the rest of Qaletaga! Seems like a lifetime ago now!

Brown. BoP.

          x                      x

  rogue      rogue     rogue
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Faylien, haven’t hear that name ina long time :slight_smile:

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Name: Elemenohpee
Gnome Rogue
Guild - Antipathy
P V P M E N G!

Is there a server that Bleeding Hollow alums are planning on?


BH ppl all over…SDS and friends are talking about server choices atm, add my btag if you wanna fight w/ or against us.


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Hey man! What server are you going to play on??

Ogden! It’s swatecke, I remember you dude. What classic server you playing on?


Of course! Happy to have helped!

Bit of a long shot, but…

Name: Chroesire
Guild: The Twilight Order
Played with: Grinnin, Smydgen, Mokiaus (sorry if that’s misspelled dude!), Aegorys, and Lindar among others