Blazing Hippogryph not showing up

Anyone else not see their Blazing Hippogryph? Been about 12 hours still waiting for it to show up in game.


Make sure you claimed on twitch…and sometimes it can take a day or so to show up…they are processing 1,000’s of players accounts …


Mine showed up this morning after claiming it yesterday afternoon.


Still isn’t showing up for my 11 y/o daughter’s account.

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Is it actually called that in game? It’s not in my collected or uncollected mount list. I do have a “flaming” one though.


Since its a TCG mount it wouldn’t be on your game stable list…it wasn’t on mine till I got it…and yes its called that Blazing Hippogryph…

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shows up for me all the time. claim on twitch, fully log out of the game don’t just log off. turn the game back on and it’s inside my mount tab.

Me. Claimed it 10hrs ago

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nope, I claimed it yesterday and it still hasn’t shown up in the mounts tab


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Mine showed up today at some point after claiming it towards the evening last night.

I claimed mine this morning, its been many hours, Still no mount :frowning: I got the ethereal Hearth instantly last week tho.

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i claimed mine on twitch, 3 hrs ago, and shut down my laptop at around 4pm cst because i was heading home, and i still don’t have my hippogryph

It’s generally a twitch issue. They process the claims in batches. It is rarely instant, unless youre lucky. I’ve had them take days and I have had them take minutes.


It can take up to 24 hours for a claimed item to transfer over to the game. Mine didn’t show up until today even though I had finished the yawnsville task midday yesterday. Give it some time, it will show up. Once it does, it will be shown as an unopened gift in your collections tab.

As others have said, it can take up to 24 hours to arrive. For me, these things usually arrive instantly, but the Blazing Hippogryph did not. Think it took mine about 5 minutes to show up in game, which is 5 more minutes than it usually takes.

Mine showed up years ago.

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yea if that is the case then you just gotta wait. it happens more often then most people think. has always been an ongoing issue with WoW twitch drops for some see forum posts about them almost every twitch drop. same with other games too.

Has not happened to me yet but has to my friend

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So I just hit the 24 hour mark and no Hippogryph even though its claimed on twitch. It says support can’t do anything about it on blizzards website so I guess I just keep waiting?


Never came to my account. Waste of 4 hours I’ll never get back……. This is why I don’t participate in this BS. It’s all just a scam to make people view more wow on twitch.


If only the process could be automated by powerful computers.