Blatant cheating and botting in Classic

Maybe you can’t do research that well. Allow me to assist you.

None of which were CS staff.

You mighty as well be talking to a flat Earther. People are going to believe what they want no matter how much proof is presented.

You know there’s not even WoW specific GMs anymore? It’s just generic GMs that service all their games. Another reason there’s such detachment and ineptitude from the few overworked GMs that still remain.

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How do you know?

Because I have the legal document provided to the state of California staring me in the face. This is why fake news is so prevalent in every facet of our lives, even gaming. People believe what they want to believe and do not put even a modicum of real research into their fact checking.

Post the legal document that states CS staff has not been laid off.

Page 7.

You’re still very wrong. Here is why.

CS staff doesn’t need to be directly laid off for the CS portions of the company to be impacted, which you simply don’t understand.

From your document provided, the biggest one, Vice President of Customer Service was laid off. That person’s role obviously helped CS staff in some capacity. Also, an assistant manager of customer service was laid off as well as Team Managers of Customer Support

Desktop support staff was laid off which helps with CS internally.

Customer Service Champions laid off.

Community specialists were also laid off (which sometimes help with lesser CS issues).

You also had 8 Game Masters laid off, which directly affects CS and customers inside the game. This arguably drives up ticket wait times. This is called, “Cutting corners.” With pure speculation, a GM could answer maybe 15-30 tickets a day? They laid off 8 of them and an additional 12 Specialist Game Masters also being laid off.


I waited 15 minutes for you to post with a tiny smidgen of hope that you would actually care about the truth and properly read and comprehend what I linked.

Typical response from someone who just got smacked with logic.


All you had to do was read.

The point is, they no longer work there. Keep peddling.

Also, the 100 CS in Ireland doesn’t help either.

Do I have to spell it out for you? Alright, I’ll do it since you’re having so much trouble reading the document.

There are two columns, the left column is number of positions selected for termination and the right column for positions not selected for termination; page 7 is the CS department. The only two positions cut from the CS department were a Bliz. IT Analyst and a Blizzard BI Programmer, zero actual CS.

You’re a prime example of how misinformation gets spread like wildfire. You don’t care about the facts, you don’t care about the truth.

And you’re easily trolled.

Ahhh yes, the “I was only trolling you bro!” defense.


but it doesnt hinder anyone in any meaningful way.

oh no i have to pay a stupidly small amount of money that i can use across multiple accounts without problem and push 1 extra button. oh the horror, ive learned my way and will come to the light!

bruh you sound the dumb one here…

youve done nothing and affected nothing.

anyway im done entertaining this and realize their is no reasoning with you.

you do you booboo

It was fun. Don’t get me wrong. Also, very easy.

I just had to say the same thing over and over.