Blatant cheating and botting in Classic

Its cuts into profits, by paying for a VPN.

so a mass punitive act that harms legit players to spite a smaller group?

Right, because you know the exact size of the group. Funny kid.

wow assume my age lol.
bruh it doesnt matter the size, your plan affects even one innocent person it is over stepping massively.

would you kill every person in a village because someone threw a rock at you?

Not banning bots don’t affect innocent players? Lol what?

Extremely dumb analogy. Not even remotely similar.

banning the entire region will not work num nuts.

if your solution is to just force them to spend a tiny amount of money to obtain a vpn, something they are probably already are doing btw, good on you for promoting capitalism?

now how do you “solve” the home grown good ol merican botters?

or the uk botters?

or the vpn botters?

how have you solved anything other banning a region because you dont like that region playing on your server?

tell me how your heavy handed ban solved anything?

I actually had to google how to put in a ticket because I kept getting redirected to random articles that weren’t even close to the problem I was having.

Stop boot licking, The customer service is HORRENDOUS these days. Literally 50/50 chance on getting a copy paste response that also has nothing to do with your ticket and having to escalate the issues even higher to get any actual help.


Blizzard fired their best customer service branch in Ireland.

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Because it makes it more difficult for them to just login without a VPN. Hindrance is the first step. Making it more different is always your best approach, because you’ll never 100% stop the problem. Anyone with half a brain knows this.

This video actually made me unsub. That’s so bad… Blizzard. You’ve changed.

Activision has gutted customer support and QC, so really can’t be surprised. Disappointed, but not surprised.

Blizzard has done no such thing.

Even if they did, that wouldn’t affect us here. The CS for NA is done by people in NA.

yeah its shocking how bad retail botting actually is, they are insane, and the bots go where the money is, and right now the money is in Retail because retail players are more likely to RMT things.

I know people like to point to retail and gold tokens as a cure for bots, but its did nothing of the sort, not even in WoD, Legion or BFA did the bots go away, they were still just as rampant per capita in Retail. The only difference is now the bots are swarming retail because its presently very popular, and all RMT guys know that retail is where the money is.


The gold selling money they made here is nothing compared to the money the bots and RMT services can make in retail.

Achievements in Retail have created a new problem for it self, and why even though gold is mostly worthelss, people will still buy gold because it can be used in some creative ways, also the botters sell gold for less than Blizzard, and they farm better in retail than they do in Classic. You would not believe what people will pay for achievements, just so that they can brag about their arena rating, or RBG rating, or a really super rare mount they got from Raid, or even some sort of raid specific loot from heroic / mythic. People pay massive money for that crap in retail, its kinda insane, and why as long as Retail is kickin we can hope that the botters will go there instead of Classic.

You’re wrong.

Wrong again. Here is why.

Blizzard has not gutted their CS staff. Blizzard does not outsource their CS staff. These are the facts.

When NA tickets are overflowed, they go overseas to customer support agents. (They also handled NA night time tickets) This is why it takes almost 2 days to talk to a GM. The wait increased about 6 times the normal wait time when it had happened.

No one was talking about current wait times, you dummy.

Activision has absolutely gutted the quality control department and customer support. That’s actually the fact.

There’s a reason why 90% of customer support is automated nowadays. It takes days to talk to an actual person. Back in Vanilla when I filled out a ticket it was literally 10 minutes and I was talking to someone. It’s sad how little customer support matters to them anymore.

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You’re free to believe whatever fake news, rumor based websites you want. The facts are incontrovertible. I’ve looked through the legal documents provided to the state and done real research into these claims. Blizzard has not laid off CS since 2012.

The truth doesn’t sell.