Blasted Lands Portal in Org

There is currently no way to get to old blasted lands to access the Dark Portal to broken / old Draenor?

The portal that was in the drag is gone
My current portal is set to WoD Draenor
I cannot talk to Chromie to change up my timeline

Edit: I found out about the portals below the main portal room. Port to Shattrath.


Are you trying to go to Outland? The portal to shattrath is in the basement.

To get to Outland? There’s a portal to Shattrath in Org’s portal room. It’s on the lower floor.

Otherwise you can also just zeppelin to Stranglethorn from Org and fly on over to the Blasted Lands. Zidormi there can turn it back to the old pre-WoD version.

Take the portal to Undercity in the past.

I suppose you could get a mage portal to Stonard if you really want to go to the Blasted Lands.

If you got old undercity instead of the bfa version, there’s a hellfire peninsula port as soon as you port in if I remember correctly.


He prob wants to go to blasted lands … blizz screwed up easy ways to get around

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Talk to the thrallmar mage in the portal room. They’ll send you to Blasted Lands.

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they changed it, it sends you to hellfire pennisula now, rip karazhan farms


Really? There used to be two mages that sent you to two different parts of blasted Lands. Admittedly, I haven’t used either in about a week and a half, but thats rough for non-mage/druid. I guess there’s always the zep to strangle thorn though.

They are there, thy don’t always send. The Thrallmar mage, when he doesn’t want to send you to the portal, says take the portal here to Shattrath—but the portal’s in the basement now.