<Blame it on Lag> 15 Year Raiding Guild recruiting for Season 4 and The War Within: (7/9M S3)

Is the guild still looking for tanks? I’m looking to focus further on Mythic prog next season, Ideally swapping to warrior main next season, if possible.

I’ve some mid-level mythic experience from the past few seasons.

I’ve been tanking on protadin for a while,
but, I’m not a fan of Paladin hero talents to be honest.

Yes we are. Feel free to apply or send me a msg in discord. User name tariya

Still looking for a few more!

Looking for a few more!

Still here still sexy and looking for sexy raiders :slight_smile:

1 Like

Still Looking for more come on down

Would love a capable main tank and a few more DPS!

Looking for a few more

Would love a few more good peeps

Looking for more come on down

Looking for some more DPS and a strong tank!

LF a few more!

Looking for a few more dedicated raiders who want to kill mythic bosses together on a team!

Interested in having a chat, Nuriel#1547

Looking for more come on down have some fun kill some bosses

LF a few more dps

Add me on disc name: tariya

LF a few more DPS!

Looking for some more great players!

LF a few more dps