Updated with current progress!
Looking for a few more ranged and an Uber awesome healer! We got cookies!
Looking for a few more!
Updated with our current progress!
Looking for a few more dedicated raiders!
Looking for a few more!
Updated with current needs!
updated with current needs
Come join in the fun, we have the good cookies!
Looking to add three more mythic prog raiders in our core group and another fill in for the more casual. Come trial and check us out!
Looking for 2 more prog raiders and a few fill ins
Updated with our current needs!
Looking for a few more reliable people!
For Mythic progression we consider any reliable DPS who understands the importance of communicating, attendance, and respecting the rest of the raider’s time.
Our current needs are:
RANGED: Shadow/Disc Priest, Warlock, or any other good ranged DPS.
MELEE: WW Monk, Enh. Sham, Death Knight or DPS Warrior.
HEALS: MW Monk, Disc Priest, or Holy Pally.
Previous leadership or raid lead experience a plus! We are always open to ANY strong DPS pumpers with experience in Mythic progression (that can do mechanics) so feel free to apply regardless of your class. If you feel you are up for the challenge, give us a poke and let’s kill things!!
Still looking for the above!
Updated with our current needs!
i approve of the updated info
Would love a great tank!
Im looking to get back into Retail raiding scene. I have a few CE experiences from Legion - mostly AOTC experience and I am really wanting to play blood DK. I added Kabo and you on discord. Already have several toons on Sargeras but looking for a fresh roll probably with leveling etc in prep of TWW.
Feel free to message myself or Tariya and we’ll chat!
Looking for a few more!