Blades of the fallen prince upscaled for two handed frost?

I wish we could get frostmourne but it probably wont happen.

What does everyone think of them just upscaling the blades of the fallen prince? Id be pretty happy with a giant one of them on my back with 2h frost.


They should keep it the way it is and not retcon anything else. Maybe there should be a new quest for a cool 2h sword for Frost, the Class Hall weapon for Unholy is one of the best looking 2h DK swords in the game, so maybe something like that.



While it’s not Frostmourne, they have relaxed the xmog requirements, so a player can use Blood or Unholy Artifacts in Frost spec, and so forth.

As for upscaling, I’m sure the developers would have higher resolution textures in storage, but would hate for them to just increase the size to 2 H with just the current implemented textures, as it’d look like crap.


I think they should just do another round of class legendary items, hopefully weapons, and make the universal DK weapon Frostmourne.

Legendary weapons are a very core part of RPGs. Dropping the Artifacts and Class Halls was a mistake, they should have been evergreen features.

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I have thought about the ability to transmog a Frostmourne Knockoff, and on one hand, i would LOVE to have a likeness of it, but then the other hand, it would be another Shadowmourne, you dont realize how many people will be styling it until you do it, then it takes a bit of the pride and the different look you may be trying bring to your character. When i was able to Transmog my Shadowmourne, after several years of having it hidden away in the bank, i literally was surprised at all the people having it as well, it just dint seem as cool as it should have been.
…But this is Just my two coppers…

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I feel like this was the argument against Artifact Weapons, which I agreed with in WoD, but the cat’s already out of the bag now. Like we’ve got so many xxAshbringerxx players running around with one of the dozens of Ashbringer skins in the game, and things like Scepter of Sargaras, Ashbringer, and Apocalypse are pretty much on par with Frostmourne in terms of power.

Legion made the PC a big deal according to the lore, and it seems hard to go back on that now. I’d rather they embrace that, and actually make that status worth something, than pretend the PC is some nobody who mayors assign to kill boars. Basically blizzard needs to chose if they want the PC to matter or not, and the last few expansions have been super conflicted.

They should just make legendary weapon forging and maintenance an evergreen system IMHO. Felt really bad to use a green in BfA.


Maybe more of a Class based Artifact Weapon system than a Spec Based one.
And instead of being “here’s your ONLY WEAPON for the whole expansion” it’s more of like an Upgradeable/customizable free legendary-like weapon we get at the beginning and then can use either it or weapon drops for our weapon. Upgrading the Ilvl of the artifact through relic drops like before but maybe just… One relic… and the relic is Ilvl only not bonus traits. Yes it means we don’t get mega powerful artifact ability and passives due to balance but that I see as a good thing as it means far less power bloat.

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