Blades of the Fallen Prince - 2H Transmog?

So now that Blizzard has confirmed that 2H Frost is returning (Yay!!!) I would like to propose a possible quest for Frost DK’s to use the Forge of Domination to forge their Blades of the Fallen Prince from a 1H transmog appearance to a larger scaled up 2H version of the same models you already unlocked in Legion.

Death Knight community, what do you think?


I’d rather they just let us use any of the skins for any spec(when equiping the right type of weapon). I’d rather use my Maw of the Damned for everything, both the Mage Tower and Quest skins are some of my favourites in game.


I like that idea too. How about they do both? I like some of the 1H models for the twin blades, I just want to be able to use them as a 2H also…


I’ve been asking for this all along.


I’m certainly not against it, the variant covered in Ice is really nice looking and I’d like that as a big sword. I’d love for at the very least Apocalypse’s appearances to be usable. The blue variants are beautiful and they’d fit Frost perfectly.

I could even see us using the forge to put the two powerless blades back together.


I totally agree with you! The blue one looks more like a Frost weapon anyway…

Yes the return of Frostmourne maybe? I know Frostlich has been wanting this for a while, and I agree with him. :slight_smile:


How about we reforge them into a proper Frostmorne. Obviously the power is drained from it so it won’t eat what is left of our souls. Now for the appearances outside of the base and advanced ones, I could see larger versions of the sword.


I lowkey expect Frostmourne to be a craftible legendary.


I really want them to use the current dual wield models and just make them bigger for 2h. But, I also want to wield a fully reconstructed Frostmourne! If it’s calling to us, let it be so!


I vote for them doing both! The more options the better! :blush:


This. The fact they’ve been hyping up our legendary forger as “the guy who made Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination” is highkey pointing to DK’s going up to him and being like “hey I got these toothpicks that I used to solve that whole sword inside the planet thing, think you can break em apart and use them to make something cool”. Have it be like Greenfire, scouring the Shadowlands finding bits and bobbles necessary to reforge it, ending with you receiving Arthas’ blessing or something of the sort. It’d be really cool.

I can’t say I wouldn’t be too disappointed if it didn’t happen though. I might be in the minority, but I’ve always really liked Shadowmourne, and never felt the need for Frostmourne since the former finally became transmog.


If Arthas is in the shadowlands and is remorseful AT ALL, do you really think he’s gonna be like “Yeah sure dude screw your life up like I did. It’ll work out FINE!!”.

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Nah, more like “I used that thing once, I know how it works how it can consume you, you wanna use it at least let me stop it from screwing you up as bad as it did me, I’ve already done enough damage by making you a DK and screwing you’re entire undeath over, the least I can do is help you be strong enough to fight with the justice I once sought” kinda deal. It’s been heavily implied that the Arthas that culled Strathholme was not the Arthas we fought on ICC. We’d find him in the Maw he’d be all like “I’ve really messed up I deserve this” and then we’d do some questing to be all like “yeah but if you’re gonna be part of this, help us now at the very least”.

What I’d really like to see, is along this questline you’d team up with Arthas in the Maw and run into the spirit of Ner’Zhul, to stop him from influencing you via some tiny connection he’d still have to the new Frostmourne. And then he kinda just is at peace. Maybe even some confrontation between him and Uther, even him and Jaina. There’s a lot they can do but it’s really up in the air. I hope DK’s get something special, not even necessarily Frostmourne just something. It’s the “Death” expansion after all.


This definitely needs to happen :slight_smile: