Blades of Azzinoth

Any chance the Blades of Azzinoth will be available in colors other than green? I think they’re due for a makeover anyway, aren’t the textures from 2006?


Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll no.


This has to be a troll attempt. I can’t even imagine someone being serious about this.


blizzard is against character customization so im thinking no

Troll attempt? No, the “Twinblades of the Deceiver” have over 20 different skins. Lots of demon hunters use them for transmog but it’s rare that you get more than 2 that are using the exact same skin.

I was recently in a raid where 3 other demon hunters all had the Blades of Azzinoth. And that’s when it got me thinking, “Maybe there should be an option to make them look a little different.”

If we can change the color of our shattered souls to be green or blue instead of purple, I don’t see why this is so far-fetched. And I don’t see this happening anytime soon… but perhaps in a future expansion you could get additional transmog options on artifacts as a boss drop?

…Did you not play before Legion? Weapons having only one skin has been the norm for literally the entire lifetime of the game. Artifact weapons were the only exception to that, and that was mostly because we were locked into using them for the entire expansion.

So? That’s their choice. You don’t need multiple skins for every weapon just because you dislike seeing duplicates.

The Twin Blades of Azzinoth aren’t artifacts, they are legendary weapons. They have one single appearance because they’ve had that appearance since Illidan took them from the doom guard Azzinoth after slaying him up during the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago. They have a long and storied history in the Warcraft universe, and are probably the 2nd or 3rd most recognizable weapon in the entire franchise (the 1st being Frostmourne, and the Blades being roughly tied with Ashbringer for 2nd).

There are currently 24 warglaive artifact appearances (6 different models with 4 tint options each) and 31 normal warglaive appearances (representing 11 unique models, one of which is alliance-only) available for transmog, including the Twin Blades of Azzinoth. In addition, DHs can also transmog to 1h swords, 1h axes, and fist weapons, and many do (especially using swords). While that’s still a bit light compared to the other classes (since warglaives have only been in the game for ~2.5 years, 2 of which were during an expansion with almost no new non-artifact weapon models or appearances added), there’s plenty of room for customization there.

If you’re seeing a lot of the Twin Blades, it’s probably because they aren’t exactly easy to track down, and they are a rather eye catching transmog. The DHs in question quite rightfully want to show off their achievement.

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This is similar to the situation with the “stealth for DHs” we discussed. I know it’s probably not going to happen… but I don’t think it’s that far-fetched.

And there’s a lot of people rocking that particular transmog. And when everyone’s in meta, it makes a bad situation (everyone looks the same) even worse. If Blizzard does it, fine. Maybe I’ll use transmog my stuff to Blades of Azzinoth. Especially if they were to have a “red” version. It doesn’t seem like there’d be a lot of effort involved.

I didn’t realize how defensive people would get over this minor suggestion… geez, no wonder online forums are generally considered a cesspool.

If it were any other weapon, then sure, it might happen. But given how iconic the Twin Blades are in Warcraft lore, and how long the weapons have been accessible to players, the likelihood of seeing a modified version or different tints be added is extremely low.

So what happens if they add it and everyone starts using the red version? The reason you see so many isn’t because of a limited number of skins, it’s because the transmog requires a fair amount of time and dedication to get, and the DHs in question want to show that off.

Anyway, the problem isn’t how much effort it would involve. The problem is that only a small portion of the players can equip glaives, and a much smaller portion have unlocked the Twin Blades model. Beyond that, there’s the benefit ratio. In this case, the benefit is mostly so that you and others like you can, in theory, avoid seeing as many duplicated weapon skins, even though adding more doesn’t actually guarantee people won’t use the same one.

I can’t speak for the others, but I’m not being hostile here. I’m just explaining why your idea has little in the way of probability of success. You need to learn to separate criticism of your idea from criticism of you personally. Just because we don’t like your idea doesn’t mean you need to become defensive.

Xaedys, I know you’re not being hostile, but some of those other posters… they don’t seem capable of critical thinking and conveying such thoughts via text. You’re clearly more than capable.
So what happens if they add it and everyone starts using the red version? The reason you see so many isn’t because of a limited number of skins, it’s because the transmog requires a fair amount of time and dedication to get, and the DHs in question want to show that off.
It won’t happen. If, hypothetically, there’s a red version and a blue version and a purple version (we’ll stick to 4 different colors similar to how each row of the legendaries had 4 colors), players are far more likely to use the color that matches their other gear and/or happens to be their favorite color.

Human beings ALWAYS exercise their options unless those options, quite frankly, suck. Since we’re talking about cosmetic changes… the “everyone will start using red” seems like an empty concern.

Right now, there are no options except green. That, in and of itself, is not a reason to not provide a red… or black… or steel blades.

If it were any other weapon, then sure, it might happen. But given how iconic the Twin Blades are in Warcraft lore, and how long the weapons have been accessible to players, the likelihood of seeing a modified version or different tints be added is extremely low.
Yeah, right…

So the Twin Blades are more iconic than Doomhammer and Ashbringer?! I’d love to see you try to build a cogent argument explaining that one…

So Doomhammer is an artifact weapon that I’ve probably seen in at least a half dozen cinematics, but it has 2 dozens different skins… and the Blades of Azzinoth are merely a legendary? Is that where you’re going with this?

Your argument basically boils down to “they haven’t done it, so they won’t”.
They said the same thing about race changes.
And faction changes…
And transmogrification…
And blood elves ever having the option to be warriors (whoa, that was a long time ago)…

I’m not saying they will do this. They probably won’t. But I don’t think there’s a strong reason to not do it aside from “we’re going to use those resources elsewhere”. It’s not like we’re giving stealth to a class that has Spectral Sight… (ok, that was a bit of a low blow and I know it wasn’t your suggestion but you were far more supportive of that idea)

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First, those were artifact weapons, and we’re unlikely to see another artifact weapon expansion, at least for a long time. Second, neither of those weapons were already accessible to players, while the Twin Blades have been for roughly 12 years now.

No, it boils down to:

  • The Twin Blades are too iconic.
  • The Twin Blades have been available in the game for too long.
  • The cost/benefit ratio is to high. There aren’t enough players this would benefit, compared to spending that art time on new instances, new world zones, new raids, etc.

To be fair, my position was and still is “I don’t see a lot of gameplay or balance reasons this would be a problem, and it’s sufficiently thematic, but it still probably still won’t happen”. Essentially your position on this issue.

I guess my position here is basically “I probably won’t happen, and I don’t see sufficient justification to even support the idea.”

Should have said, Fellllllllll green no.

To be fair this argument could have easily been applied to Doomhammer and Ashbringer pre-Legion. Especially since there was technically an equippable version of Ashbringer.

The Warglaives of Azzinoth are a legendary item. Their shape and colouring, as well as its uniqueness (compared to other items) is integral to its desirability. I do think that it’s kinda crappy that every demon hunter has them now. I’d personally prefer it if they weren’t quite as common, but I get why that’s the case. I’ve never really used them as a transmog for very long. Most warglaives are huge anyway, Azzinoth feel MUCH bigger.

I agree wholeheartedly about the model/texture update. It’s possible I think. Perhaps a new Caverns of Time dungeon where we go back and help Illidad kill Azzinoth?

My only beef with the Twin Blades is that they are so darn low-rez compared to modern weapon models. Wish they’d given them a “remastered” type update along with the transmog addition.