Many posts in chat windows show I am not alone. Someone looking into this? We can’t use vendors without about a 1 minute delay then sketchy, flight whistle hovering over player but not picking up, quests can’t be picked up. Please help
Blizzard is gathering information on this thread Greysthunder. While Blades Edge is a long way from Voldun I suspect this is a battle group issue.
Server: Stormrage
Zone: Vol’dun
Time 4/26/2019 6:30pm
Same heavy lag as reported by others. I first noticed it late last night, maybe around midnight. Picking flowers is… a chore.
EDIT: Vol’dun lag on Stormrage seems to have cleared up, at least for now - 4/27/2019 8:05pm EST
Have a read, is it the same kind of issues described in these threads?
Note: Originally posted at - see that thread for additional reports from other players. Hoping that Blizzard support can investigate this problem, as the delays during Australian peak times have been a significant issue since the BFA launch. Some information to assist - My experiences are when playing on the Khazgoroth server (Oceania). - During peak times for Australia, which is driven largely by players from the Eastern states (i.e., Au…
I posted this in the customer support forum and was advised to post here for help.
For the last 2 days I have had this issue.
I have lower latency (less than 30ms) at all times yet my spells do not register the input for about .5-2 seconds. Also, at times, skills that generate holy power will go off and the holy power will not generate for several seconds at times. This all happens for long periods of time where there will be this delay. This issue does not affect chat, or my ability to move a…