I’m playing as Demo and I legitimately don’t understand what I’m supposed to be doing versus certain specs. The damage is so lackluster in comparison to pre nerf. Tyrant constantly gets confused and does absolutely nothing on Blade’s Edge. Utterly pointless spec. Nether Portal sucks, so telegraphed and predictable and easy to stop the Pit Lord
I have Gate, I have port, and that’s it. How am I getting away from a Monk and DH? I’m genuinely asking. I have Exhaustion up constantly with Amp Curse on a reduced CD and they never run out of mobility. It doesn’t matter how good my defensives are if they have 85% uptime on me the entire match. No one peels at all and I just get smoked
Windwalker Monk parries all of my pets every like 15 seconds. Its stupid. Feels like such a hard counter, he can port/roll away when my CDs are up or parry everything. Completely rips through my dark pact, feel like I can’t even survive the damage. DH it’s the same thing he can Blur/Darkness all of my CDs, Glimpse, Netherwalk, etc while completely out damaging me in every aspect and sticking on me 24/7. All while never casting or really doing anything but hitting two buttons
Why do people even complain about Demo? I feel absolutely helpless versus certain lobbies
I just tanked over 100 rating getting DH/Monk/BM Hunter lobbies and people still complain Demo is “broken”. Idk those specs feel way more broken in every capacity.
Am I missing something? Never claimed to be the best but I’m certainly not a bad player. Anyone else tired of feeling completely helpless as certain caster specs versus melee? It’s mind numbing
EDIT: I also feel like this map just sucks. It used to be a dream as ranged, since there weren’t SO many gap closers for melee. You could play the Z axis. Now its like I can bait them downstairs and port back up but how does that do me any good? My pets have a brain aneurysm and can’t connect.
Why does my Tyrant stare at my kill target and do absolutely nothing? Why does he run so slow?
Can anyone explain why DH’s have a Fear, ranged stun, pseudo ranged interrupt, AOE stun, and imprison?
Like I really wanna know about these peculiar design decisions. Here’s a thought, can Demo just have 2-4 pets instead of 20 and then fix the AI? Or, can we retune Demo into a Demonbolt build for PVP? That way summoning pets still matters but its to buff your own damage, not watch your braindead pets throw the match and do absolutely nothing