Why don’t we have this class yet?
People talk and talk about Lightforged warlocks, but the Lightforged got the blademaster class before the rest of us.
Realistically, a blademaster is just a warrior with some mage abilities (mirror image etc). So it’s basically a nerfed version of a warrior. Though I am sure that they can make it not suck.
Kind of like a bard in D and D that is a jack of all trades class.
I don’t think Evokers are bad, but I feel I was teased so much about a possible Bard class incoming in the Shadowlands…
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Kinda resembles an effective rogue. Surprised we don’t encounter blademasters as bosses. 
I would like to see blademaster class. or spec.
No one uses bard in FFxiv…
Not unless they’re afk in Limsa using MIDI songs.
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If I recall…the blademaster hero concept was based around the idea of orc swordsmen that mixed in a bit of shamanism, specifically air. It’s why they had fast speed, ability to go invisible and mirror images was sort of a play on that.
Even their ultimate was a “sword tornado”.
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I wouldn’t be surprised if they did a small rework of Arms and renamed it Blademaster similar to Outlaw rogues. They obviously wouldn’t get all the bells and whistles of a real Blademaster but it does match Blizzards style in their halfassed kinda way.
I remember from the mages class halls quest the requitement mission to pick up a mage that doubles as a warrior. It looked really cool, and this SHOULD become playable, and I believe that it would be popular.
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Arms Warrior already gets Bladestorm.
What you SHOULD be asking for is Blademaster Transmog items and sets.
Get rids of Arms Warrior and redo it and rename it Blademaster
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This Esara Verlinde is a mage classhall champion but we only see her in action during her recruitment mission. It looks really impressive when she fights but sadly, linking to a video showing her do that has been hopeless. Youtube doesn’t even admit that she exists. Apparently, there are real people named Esara and others named Verlinde but nope, not this character. I doubt that her melee fightingstyle would be that useful against strong single targets but as an AoE attack it is really useful.
Like they did with combat rogues and renamed them outlaws? Personally, renaming them Outlaws was a bad move, I would prefer to call them swashbucklers instead. Perhaps someone figured that if they did that, they would have to give them access to shields…
We do; it’s called Arms Warrior.
Hi, i’m no one.
And been playing with a bunch of “no one” on that game as well lol
Arms Warrior is not blademaster…
These are Warriors and these are Blademasters…
Doesn’t mean that warriors can’t become blademasters. There is already proof of warriors being trained to become blademasters.
Can’t be denied. It’s actually in the game. Blizzard refusing to add a blademaster class or warrior spec is illogical.
Literally the only use for Bard is Performance.