Blade of Primus broken

Cannot progress campaign.

Gamebreaking bug.



Hope this helps:::

Had someone who I was helping have a bit more of a cow with this than I did.

He was a hunter, had him swap to Survival.

Walk up accept quest, abandon quest, talk to npc again but DECLINE quest.

Pick quest up again, talk to NPC stay behind npc. First two enemies will spawn. Bring them together and kill at same time same spell.

3 echos will come next, get them to 1/2 hp DO NOT GO LOWER Use maldraxxus buff and wait for demon sign to appear in your buffs.

Pop all 3 from 1/2 hp. Do not mess this up.

It does not help. There’s nothing I can do as Prot Paladin.

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Whats your ingame name-realm

Hoping this gets resolved soon…

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main character

I need realm as well.


Up up up. To the top.

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this is the worst

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Love not being able to level up my character on a brand new expansion. So much fun.


This is actually a softlock, good lord

Quest is 100% broken. Was able to do it earlier this week on my main but tried to do it on my alt and was just bombarded with nonstop waves. It seems really weird because if you kill all the enemies at the EXACT same time it will trigger the next wave

I’ve progressed past the first part multiple times by killing both enemies at the same time. On the second part I thought I would clear it by killing all three mobs at the same time as well, which I have only accomplished twice and it did not work.

I literally did this on my Druid on launch day, now I cant do it on my rogue, how is it already broken.

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Yup having the same problem. Just tried a couple different ways including the killing the first wave at the same time and nothing. The first wave continuously keeps coming.

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Having the same bug, abandoned quest and now the npc is not at location to accept quest again