Blade and Soul or Final fantasy 14?

Thank you for this thorough review.
I played Bdo and game was like a breath of fresh air until i hit level 50 or 55 grind and quit after that. Id o like classes and combat better in BAS but looks like in all other aspects FF14 is a better MMo. Gonna give it a try.

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Blade & Soul is one of the best combat MMOs (up there with Vindictus and TERA–it’s a very difficult and skill based game). However, I haven’t played it since they released Mushin’s Tower years ago. I was a KFM main, and they were damn hard to play well. I have also heard it got pretty P2W, so I recommend researching it.

I always hear great things about FF14, but I don’t know anything about the game.

How could you??

FF or the highway bucko

(Jk I hope you still choose to continue playing WoW)

I think you’ll enjoy the community and gameplay. :slight_smile:


Oh man, BnS is definitely not for you. Fanservice basically means sex appeal, which is really the central point of BnS. A large portion of the gameplay, when you’re not grinding for weapon upgrades, is grinding for new skimpy costumes.

Community is nothing special, since everyone is just grinding 24/7, while FFXIV actually has a vibrant community.

Dungeons (I don’t think they have raids) are actually better than I would have expected from a Korean grind, but once again you’re still just grinding.

FF14 is superior to WoW in every aspect except endgame raiding (and the community building that comes with that)

I don’t see any other MMO’s(like B&S) close to those two.


BnS graphics are amazing and the combat is fun however it is very pay to win. some of the best gear in the game is from raids (20 people and bosses only drop 2 items each) or from loot crates. and you will probably be upgrading that item countless times until the next tier drops. at which point you need to farm the new one, it will suck but you’ll need to start funneling resources into upgrading that to eventually improve said item. know i had a buddy on daily and it took him 2 months to upgrade an item, or he could have swiped a Credit card for $50 and bought most of the upgrade mats.

as for ff14, i have mixed feeling, yes the combat is smooth and the graphic are nice and the playerbase as a majority seems very friendly and welcoming. however (in my opinion) the raids just dont seem as fun. stand in this circle, stack for this, move to the edge for this circle. its a dance/dps check for each and every boss

just my opinion though

The only reason I’ve seen to play B&S is the character creation. It’s 100% meant to be a waifu simulator.

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ESO. What you’re looking for is ESO.

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Better to ask in the off-topic/gaming section but you may like ESO. Catch it on sale too if you don’t want to pay much. There is a ‘premium’ option but it’s not necessary, you can just buy the game and/or its expansions down the road and not pay a dime for a subscription.

On the contrary FFXIV is nice. Great community especially if you can get into something like Balmung. Plenty of content no matter if you’re a trial player or own all of the expansions and pay for a monthly sub, ability to play all of the “jobs” on one character, downside being is a longer GCD than what we have here on WoW.

Then you got other stuff like Runescape and BDO which are a little more P2W/MTX-heavy (unless you play OSRS) but also grind-heavy.

no its not the same, far from it.

did you compared wow to a store where the players are the employees ? you aren’t an employee you are a customers,

dear god some people are way too overly emotionally attached to wow

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imagine being so angry that other mmos exist that you attempt to silence anyone asking about them. oof. blizz hire you?

anyways, stay away from blade and soul. it is your typical korean grind mmo with more focus on sexy, moist, female butts and harvesting your data with shady anti-cheat than actually providing any worthwhile content.

if you want story, ff14 is easily your best option of the 2…after you get a few hundred hours in. just a warning.

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Thanks everyone ,gonna go with FF14 first.
And see what happens. i can always come back and get my 35 anima. Or 250 weekly.
Or whatever.


If you just want to jump in and play ESO is going to be your best bet; otherwise FFXIV is a good competitor to WoW if you can handle the graphics.

Boss encounters in FFXIV are way way better than WoW’s IMHO; just on another level entirely but not really on difficulty but just overall “fun” and theme. Very memorable encounters.


I don’t understand this. Why would you want to play a game that doesn’t get good until you’ve sunken six months into it? WoW isn’t perfect but most people tend to enjoy it immediately.

9 raid bosses only 1 in the end drops gear , rest anima 1 covenant. 7 World bosses in a row all anima, no gear. I enjoyed my share of anima. What am i paying them for? Not asking for handouts ,merely a reward for a job done.
What 6 months are u talking about?

Blade and Soul is F2P P2W, FF14 all the way. BEST MMORPG as of late for a good reason.

FF14 is a very kind community, very noob friendly…they help you learn(don’t do mentor chat tho).

Their story is LEGENDARY, 20/10. They put heart and soul into writing all their stories.

PVP is regulated to que’d bgs and small areas - game is focused on PVE not PVP.

Nothing wrong with FFXIV graphics thought. Infact…I’d say 100% better. When was the last time my character in WoW made a emotional face? Never. When was the last time my FFXIV WOL made emotional face to fit the mood of the situation? All the time. They can express anger, happiness, surprise, ect…its amazing. WoW is 2006 upgraded graphics.

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I played ESO. It is a nice game but lack of classes and combat with only 5 abilities, 10 if u switch turned me away. The world was beautiful though.
FF 14 was one of the few Mmorpgs that i skipped ,i thought it was one of the grindy South Korean Mmos. Guess i was wrong.

FFXIV - They have people with cat ears/tail, people with lizard tail and horns, really tall bunny girls, and other things :stuck_out_tongue:

I recommend Wizard 101.