Anyone from Delirium Trigger? add kala#1266
GM of Noxious here, never heard of you.
It was a cesspool long before that.
I remember you Adderel! you were the Main Tank of Rad Squad during BC, I was the class leader for shamans. I have a distinct memory of you yelling for a heal on Malcazar lol.
lol, was probably the one where it was just one or two of us left alive with a few hit points left on malc, Our first kill was Epic if I remember correctly. I may even have screen shots from those days stored somewhere.
Currently rolled on ashkandi server, wish we could resurrect some of the team
hit me up aethro#1820
I remember those names. I know I was in one of the two of those guilds myself. CyFiver - 49 Twink Rogue and CyFiverr - Priest. I came into the scene in TBC from EQ 1 though, no vanilla experience. I think people like Acid Viper were around back then.
if you do have those screenshots please post them on Imgur or something. I was there when we first down malc and boy was it a night, I’d never heard smasho laugh before lol
I remember you guys.I played a UD mage named Leuna. I’m playing Alliance on Pagle.
Lazzy and I were talking about you a few weeks ago, MNO.
How you been, sir?
BTW Lazzy just became a father. If that isnt a trip, Im not sure what is
Damn yea I remember you from Crowd Control been a long time. Pretty much half of CC still raids together lol. Loktari has a way about him I guess
Use to kite drak for CC on my hunter HotCarl up until 8yrs ago when i got flagged for name change!
I was well rounded in classic
Verticalsmil-Undead Priest
Meoffjack- tauren war
Hotcarl-Orc hunter
Healpwnd- orc sham
Ontop-Undead Lock
Hotspec-Tauren druid
I can remember the number of whispers to come heal/tank something!
oh snap, where are you guys at? retail?
@evilgun: nice
i am fashionably late
They were playing BC but I can’t remember which realm as I hit 69 and never made it to 70 but I think if fizzled out quick enough. Loktari last I know was playing retail but not with anyone from CC. He still plays a ton of games and is all over. I haven’t played with them in months because now that I am old I see the toxicity for what it is rofl and left all of that. He mostly does m+ though as a side note
Will lmk if you guys play anything or have some discord would be fun to hang out again. I totally get that sentiment haha