Blackwing Lair Alliance Reconnections

Miss ya buddy… Jersey

Derik - Human Warrior (Pyre)
Lodrik - Human Paladin (Pyre)

Have 2 other friends with me, join us!!

Rorixx/Lickerz, dwarf priest/draenei shaman. Co-founder of Get Well Soon with Lyon. Say hi!

Leprechaun here. Gnome Mage / Guild Mascot of Tunnel Vision (formerly Woogster’s Guild, formerly something else but I was like 14 so who knows).

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I took over and ran < Dragons of the Shadow > as Haveaheart and Akeloss. I miss you all. = )

Datorman here. Paladin from Tunnel Vision/Crusaders(tbc mostly though)

Dator! Dude it’s Lep. Where you playing these days? I’m on Incendius (still as Leprchaun)

Fixed* with current char

im on Kromkrush atm. (Obviously still as Dator). Enjoying some nostalgia.

My old character was Peppy, a gnome warrior, and I played with < Cell Block Forty Nine > for the majority of my time with that account. I had a few alts in there even. If anyone from CB49 is still out there, say Hello!!

Smachtaigh here from CB49. I still know a few people from those days and the Seriously Casual days after we all transferred to Khadgar.

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That’s right! I forgot that was why most of the guild disbanded on the realm because a large portion moved realms. I don’t remember most the people but I’m glad that theres a few still out there!

Whisperrun here night elf druid, started in BC im pretty sure and i forgot the name of our guild cause i was like 12 years old lol but if you remember me respond to this theres a few people i remember from back in the day

BWL I miss you all this is Oakland the warlock was in a guild called punchyouinthefacebig…

I think it was BWL or Burning Legion

Human mage, Animosity, full tier 2 tier 2.5

cant remember the guild name :frowning:

I remember PunchYouInTheFaceBig!!

Started a thread on the forums for BWL folks to occasionally stop by when the thought comes. :blush:

This is Wilney here. Same exact character I had back in the day. I was in myself, and remember Get Well Soon, and Bleach, before the uhhhhh mandated renames lmao

Went feom BWL to Gorgonnash, to Wyrmrest Accord, to Moon Guard. Wild adventure!


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