Blacksmithing: Charged Runeaxe MISSING 1000s of INT! Please fix this spark weapon!

The charged runeaxe is an INT weapon. However it only has 1307 INT at ilvl 599, compared to the INT dagger that has 7612.
Right now this item is worse than a green. Please fix this as people have used their spark on it!


confirmed not a tooltip error. its the same integer as an agi weapon but youre supposed to get way more intellect per ilvl than agi


sheesh this is the second bug with axes in blacksmithing I regret even going down this path. First charged slicer now this.


Kov I can’t believe you’d do this to Paul

-1 spark :frowning:

This is why we can’t trust officers. SMH

Both 1H epic axe crafts are bugged. This one because the Intelligence is way lower than it should be, and the Charged Slicer isn’t scaling off of axe-smithing specialization.


Ya I hope this get fixed soonest. I feel bad cause I crafted a few of these for people not realizing it was bugged

Unbelievable. Blizzard strikes again.

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This appears to be fixed now. Can somebody with the axe in their inventory confirm?

confirmed, charged runeaxe now has 7828 int at ilvl 602

so many ridiculous bugs this expac its like they didn’t even properly test everything