Blackrock Mountain PvP Event

Blizzard, please consider doing a PVP Event in Blackrock Mountain every 3 hours. Horde enters the top of the mountain and Alliance enters at the bottom of the mountain. Instead of a 5-man event, have it be a 10-man event, 30 minutes long. You got to collect Blackrock Stone from players and NPCs. Turn them in. Have 4 sectors you can turn in Stone to collect good deed notes that you turn in for items. Have 2 NPCS bosses in 2 different sectors that anyone can tag and collect more Stones from. Have them respawn every 5 minutes.

You can keep this even alongside the STV pvp event. I think that would help with clutter and give people an option to go to the STV event or go to the Blackrock Event.

uhhhhh there is a PVP event in blackrock… or at least it’s called blackrock eruption and it’s every 2 hours

Its pretty dangerous to have a pvp event in BRM because so much of the content in p4 is in BRM, you have a huge chance to be a roadblock for a ton of players, I just don’t think that this is the type of community that wants to deal with that

you mean people would signed up to PVP have to PVP??? shocked pikachu face

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we still get the “i have been camped at incursions by an orc called thehonkler for the past 80 hours and he says if i don’t pay him 30g he is going to make me into a pulp everytime i respawn” and the “this isn’t pvp this is griefing” dmf threads?

If you’re on a PvP server there should be PvP there like every night lol.

there will be, its tradition, doesn’t mean the mass amount of people who choose to play on pvp realms won’t complain though.

Not if it’s every 3 hours and you would have an option just like STV to not do the event if you would not like to. I personally think it would be fun. A 10-man pvp event would be a cool change.